Thursday, February 2, 2012

Worth the Wait? And a Lunch Time Date!

To start, I just want you all to know that I had to create an excel spreadsheet to keep track of all the guys I went on dates with, are going on dates with and may potentially go on dates with. It's hard because they all are so different but then they have some odd similarities. Like, two are on dodge ball teams, five are from or have lived in Chicago, most are in the entertainment industry in some fashion (surprise, surprise) and I'm getting confused on who is who and what their names are. I'm pretty sure I could create one of those logic puzzles with all the information I have. Remember those? They looked like this:

Anyway, the point is, I'm going to be one busy lady and you'll be some busy readers!

Now to recap my last two dates:

One was last night. I was REAL excited for this one, which was REAL foolish BUT on paper this guy was:
  1. HOT
  2. A musician - and musicians are pretty much my kryptonite which is fitting because I have this whole musician/superman theory - click here to read all about it.
  3. Loves road trips!
  4. He's older than me, by a good 9 years - which as much as I don't want to admit it I'm pretty sure I need to be dating guys who are at least 4-10 years older than me because the guys who are 30 and younger tend to be hot messes and/or stupidly immature.
  5. Played baseball until he graduated high school and still has a strong appreciation for the sport. Also.... I can only imagine that when he was a kid he looked like Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez from Sandlot. Which is weird because that movie was on yesterday and really, c'mon HOW GOOD IS THAT MOVIE?!?! VIDEO CLIP TIME:

Okay, so here I was super pumped to meet this dude who I'll call Hot Musician because as long time readers of Point. Click. Date will know, The Musician is already a character from my past. This musician is way hotter than The Musician, so we'll call him, Hot Musician. I was so pumped to meet him that I invited HIM out first, instead of waiting for him to ask me. I thought it was very 21st century of me. And for the record, my first date option was way cooler than any first date I've ever been offered. I invited him to be my guest to a LACMA member only event and to see the new exhibit. He said yes, I said score! And we made plans to meet there at 7pm.

At exactly 6:22pm he asked if we could push back our meeting time until 7:30pm. This was annoying because I had literally just left my apartment because I wasn't sure what traffic would be like. BUT I agreed and then spent a million years in CVS and ended up buying things I didn't really need.

I arrived at the museum at 7:02pm and which is the same time I get a text message from Hot Musician apologizing for being late. I tell him not to worry and that I just got to the museum. He then let's me know he's stuck in traffic. And I ask him if he knows how long he thinks he'll be and he tells me he's "just a few miles away." That was at about 7:45pm. At 8:20pm - almost AN HOUR after we meet and an HOUR AND A HALF after we were supposed to originally meet he's finally  there. Of course, by this time I'm LIVID. And just so we're all on the same page as daters:
  • 5 minutes late? Cool, no big deal.
  • 10 minutes late? Not awesome but shit happens.
  • 20 minutes late? You better have a damn good excuse.
  • 30 minutes late? You're terrible, you're excuse is lame but the date has a slim chance of turning around if you are super good looking and charming.
  • 40 minutes or more late? You probably should have just turned around because you just nearly stood me up.
 So, I'm not in the mood at all for this date and for those who know me, "Bitchy Katie" is not someone you want to have a short phone conversation with let alone be on a date with. Hot Musician was all apologetic but through angry eyes he lost his sex appeal. And frankly, I wasn't sure he was worth the wait. Walking through the exhibit, however, calmed me down a bit so we went out to where the LACMA was serving some free quesadillas, sat down and talked a bit.

Nothing like a good quesadilla to make things better. I finally started to open up and be nice when it became 9pm and the event was over and the museum was kicking us out. Shortest date ever?

Well, not exactly because he offered to walk me to my car and then I offered to drive him to his car  (I'm pretty sure this is something that only happens in LA). And before he got out we talked for a while longer. By this time, "Bitchy Katie" is gone, he's talking about making music and I'm sitting there thinking he's the most adorable guy I've ever met. MY STUPID MUSICIAN WEAKNESS! We made vague plans to hang out again and we hug goodbye. Not sure if I will see him again though because I sent him a text about an hour ago and have heard nothing back. AND I KNOW, I KNOW.....I broke my own RULE OF THREE  on a guy who couldn't even show up on time! This is how serious my musician weakness is... I should probably get some kind of help for this.

Well, 2nd date or not, it was good to meet Hot Musician in person because it's always great to meet hot people.

Now on to recap my date from today:

Aw.... this one was too sweet and it was with Adventure Geek. First, we met for lunch at the most adorable cafe called Larchmont Bungalow. I thought we were just meeting for coffee but then the food just looked too good so we ordered lunch. I have to back track a bit though to when he walked in and was wearing what I can only explain as.... Dad jeans? Or jeans that might have been fashionable in the 90s? Please see the photo to the right for a reference point.

Luckily, we sat down nearly right away and I didn't have to be distracted by his ill-fitted and age-inappropriate jeans. Okay, so this is the second guy I've gone out with who needs a makeover? I'm thinking this could be a good career option. Give all the fashionably clueless guys on online dating sites makeovers! $$$$ Cha-ching. $$$$

Back to the date, we're sitting and we're talking about all sorts of things - where we grew up, what we do/did for work (he's does visual effects for movies), where we've traveled, how he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, how we both went to a lot of events the first week we were in L.A. WAIT..... What?! He climbed freaking Mount Kilimanjaro!?! That's the tallest mountain in Africa and the tallest free standing mountain in the world. Oh and he mountain climbs all the time and dives into underwater caves and goes on safaris and I'm sitting there thinking this guy, this geeky guy who works at a computer all day long, wears terrible jeans and looks like he couldn't run to the corner without getting out of breath let alone climb a freaking tall-ass mountain, this guy is into extreme, adventure sports?! It blew my mind and that's why he's Adventure Geek! He was a total geek but he has these super awesome stories about spelunking and cliff hanging and other craziness. It was a living example of the word "oxymoron."

So, lunch was great because who doesn't want to hear daring, adventure stories from a cute guy? And he was cute! But the geek factor made it impossible me for be "into" him but I really hope that someday, we can be friends and we can go on some stupid, crazy adventure where I stare death in the face and LAUGH.

And that reminded me of this scene in Along Came Polly, another VIDEO CLIP TIME!:

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