Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where Are They Now?

It's hard to believe that just a month ago I went on my first Point. Click. Date. date here in L.A. And although I said that this blog was coming back for one month and one month only, I do see the potential for some updates after this entry as there are still a few people left to meet and maybe even a few 2nd dates to report out on! Before I get ahead of myself, let me report on the last date I had that happened last Thursday.
Adventure Geek has been following up for a second date for awhile and asked if I could get drinks on Thursday. I told him my former co-workers were in town (true) and that I wasn't sure if I would be able to go out on Thursday (true) but then when Tolijah asked if I could meet up with him I told Adventure Geek I could not meet up with him because I had plans with my former co-workers (false). So why did I ditch Adventure Geek for Tolijah? Well, Tolijah first messaged me about 2 weeks ago and his message was original and fun. And basically we had an entire week of conversation that seemed like we were playing a game of table topics. Which actually isn't really a game but more a bunch of interesting questions on cards that could be used at parties to get people to start talking to each other. Anyway, our questions on OkCupid were not the boring, where are you from, what do you do, blah blah blah questions but instead were "If you could give anyone dead or alive a high five who would it be & why" and "If you could celebrate only one holiday the rest of your life which one would you choose?" I knew Tolijah and I would get along and the date would be one full of fun conversation. And, Tolijah get his name because he looks like the love baby of Tobey Maguire and Elijah Wood. And since they are pretty good looking dudes, I figured he must be in person as well.

Tolijah and I met at The Well in Hollywood. He looked more like Tobey Maguire than Elijah Wood in person and he sounded just like Tobey Maguire too which was actually more creepy than cool. After getting over that, we had just what I thought we were going to have - a great conversation! Actually, I really liked him a lot and now that I haven't heard from him I've decided to make myself feel better by pointing out his flaws:
  • He was concerned that I put I drank "often" on OkCupid profile. Ummmm hello? I'm 26, not 62, doesn't everyone drink often? And by often I don't mean I'm getting crazy drunk every day soooo relax, Tolijah, relax.
  • He wore shell toes. Eek! Unless you are a dude from Quincy, Massachusetts where the official shoe has and always will be the shell toe, no respectable guy should wear them. Not sure what shell toes are? VIDEO CLIP TIME!:
        • He kept trying to ask me about my ex-boyfriend situation. Awkward. We just met.
        • He wanted to talk about his ex-girlfriend..... who had a drug addiction. Um, even more awkward. I don't know want to know about any of your ex-girlfriends right now and I definitely don't want to hear about the crazy chick who had a drug problem and lied about it so you wouldn't break up with her! Yikes!
        • He's an actor. Okay, I love actors, but I feel the same way about actors as I do Geminis - they make lovely friends but have a little too much crazy for my taste to actually date them.
        Like I said, I haven't heard from Tolijah since but I'm willing to bet his disastrous relationship is not something he has completely healed from which made him think I was a soon-to-be alcoholic. Or he just thought I was lame and didn't want to call me again either way, it's fine because I'm not sure I could date a guy who wore shell toes. I just don't have a good track record with shell toe wearers - all my middle school relationships were very short lived.

        So who knows where Tolijah is now but I thought it would be fun to give an update on all my other L.A. dates!

        So......WHERE ARE THEY NOW?

        DJ Skinny: Is still trying to woo girls with the word "homie" and is on OkCupid ALL the time.

        The Art Student: Whereabouts unknown but likely at art school or with his cute dog downtown.

        TextFriend:  After I told him that I just wanted to be friends, he told me to let him know when I was around. And I didn't. I felt bad about that because I like to be a woman of my word and I was honest when I said I wanted to be his friend. So, I texted him last week to see how he was and we've been chatting via text a bit. I guess you could say we are text-friends again!

        The Australian: Being hot in Australia.

        Hot Musician: After I saw him play at Pips, he texted me 5 days later to ask me how my car was. And after I told him, that's pretty much where the conversation ended. Luckily, if I want to stalk him, I know where he is every Friday night.

        Adventure Geek: He has been trying to hang out with me again ever since our first date. I think I'm finally giving in on Thursday. I'm a bit nervous because I do want to hang out with him I just don't want to give him the wrong impression. I don't want to break his little adventurous geeky heart.

        Funny Guy: Funny Guy attempted to make plans with me before my darling friend, Danielle, came into town but he couldn't make it happen. He did apologize, however, and said he would "hit me up next week to figure something out." The potential for a second date with Funny Guy is 50%.

        And that was all of them! Eight guys in four weeks. Not bad. And there are a few more guys that I've been talking to but haven't been able to meet up with so there may be more adventures in my future! And who am I to keep these adventures to myself?!? If and when they happen, I'll be sure to update here.

        And that's why I've decided this isn't good-bye it's just see you later!

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