Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Dating Game

Not much has changed in the last week, except my attitude. I've realized that like any good resolution, I followed mine for about a good week or so and then totally stopped. This was supposed to be the year of no expectations! It only took two weeks into the new year and all of a sudden I was back to having expectations. I expected something, anything, from basic strangers!And well, that set me up for total disaster. Not that I'm blaming myself for New Years Guy and Medicine Man for disappearing and being total lame guys but if I had gone into both situations with truly no expectations I don't think I would have been nearly as bummed out about it.

Like I said, my attitude is much different as I write this entry. I did a number of things to get me out of the funk I was in last week. First, I called The Ex, he came over, we made dinner together, he slept over and it felt like the old days - and even though it's not the old days and it can't be the old days, it was nice to pretend for the night. I then set up a date for Thursday with The Ex which went terribly wrong at the end of the night that left me screaming "HAVE FUN IN FLORIDA!" and slamming the car door in his face. I actually thought that this was going to be the last thing I ever said to him. That set me back a couple of days, funk-wise, but then I went to dinner with Kaitlin at Zoe's in Harvard Square. And I had sweet potato pancakes AMAZING. Sorry, this isn't a food blog although maybe it should be because eating and sleeping is pretty much what  I did the rest of the weekend. I woke up Sunday morning feeling refreshed and full. And then I realized I needed to call The Ex because again, I really thought he was just going to leave for Florida without saying Goodbye. I guess we'll never know if he would have just left but luckily he I called and came over Sunday night with ice cream and daisies to apologize for his ass-like behavior. We ended things on a good note - maybe too good and I should be depressed, crying like a baby but somehow I feel okay about things. I guess it's because I'm dumb and I truly believe I'm Carrie Bradshaw incarnate (it doesn't help that E! is now airing reruns of the Sex and the City either).

Anyway, I'm out of my funk and saying the word funk has obviously made me think of VIDEO CLIP TIME (Probably because I've worked/watched the Donkey Show one too many times):

Oh, Disco!

Since I was in a funk last week and pretty much benched myself from dating because of it, I was getting pretty down on myself for sucking at the dating game. I finally realized I was being too hard on myself! And I looked back at the last 5 months and actually, I'm pretty damn good at the dating game.

First of all, in the last 5 months, I've met 10 different people from OkCupid and since I went out on 5 dates with The Animator and 3 with Medicine Man (And I am counting the awkward double date with Andrea and his brother as a date) that equals 16 dates in 5 months! That's an average of 3.2 a month not bad - BUT - this doesn't include The Ex, The Musician, Hot Jersey Guy OR New Years Guy. Although I only went on one "real" date with The Musician, I'm going to count all the times we hung out which actually turns out to be 12 times, and I'm shocked at that number I really thought it was about 5 or 6 times total (woops). And I'm going to count 1 for Hot Jersey Guy and 2 for New Years Guy (since there was 2 awkward mornings). For The Ex, I'm going to have to estimate here, if The Musician was 12 in 5 months, I'm going to have to say 24 for The Ex. So, that's a total of 39 dates in 5 months making my average 7.8 dates per month - that's almost 2 dates per week!!

And if we pretend I'm a professional dater meaning my work week is 5 days instead of 7, that's 100 days of potential dates which you may say well 39 dates in 100 days is really only a 39% rate not great BUT I'm a big baseball fan. And I see those 100 potential dates as my "up to bats," making my batting average .390! Which is crazy! I'm like the Ty Cobb of dating. Okay, maybe this last part was a stretch but it beats being the Debbie Downer of Dating. So, I'm looking upward and onward! It's a new month and I think I'm ready to get back into the dating game!

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