Monday, February 21, 2011

A blind date, a second date & a quick trip to Jersey

A lot can happen in a month, even more in just a week. This week was one of those weeks. I also say this because I'm wondering why I would ever book a ticket to see The Ex 6 weeks in advance. Yet another example of why this blog should be called I'm. An. Idiot. More about that later, on to my very eventful week.

First, the blind date. A while ago my roommate, Erin, said it would be interesting if I was set up on a blind date and compared a blind date to an online date. I told this to my friend Lily and about two days later she had set me up on a blind date. I was definitely more nervous because I knew about two things about him: He was in grad school at Northeastern and he worked with my friend Lily. Not exactly the information you need to know if you're going to hit it off with someone. We met at Tory Row in Harvard Square at his suggestion. It was a cool place, he was cute and really fun. But... I just wasn't into him. Seriously, I couldn't have asked for a better blind date but for whatever reason I couldn't picture dating him. I do realy think he's cool though so I'm wondering if there is a way to be his friend. We split the bill so I thought that was a good start to a beautiful friendship. As for going on a blind date vs. an online date, well, my nerves were much higher before the blind date but it was actually a lot easier going on the blind date. When I go on a date with someone I meet online I feel like I have to remember everything they've said in messages and in their profile as well what I've said in messsages and what I have made public information on my profile. Another thing that sucks about online dating is because of the messages you have before you go on a date the few icebreaker questions you would ask at the beginning have already been answered. I had to say since Blind Date and I knew three or less facts about one another the conversation was endless and pretty great. Although I do have to give Blind Date credit, he had a great personality and wasn't shy at all.

Another reason I think I wasn't as into Blind Date as I would have been if the date had happened a week earlier was because I couldn't stop thinking about WTFiTC Guy which I'm going to remame The Catch because either there is one or he is one, it remains to be seen.

I had canceled on The Catch because something extremely tragic in The Ex's life which I won't talk about here because it's too sad and too serious to write about here. Anyway, to be there for The Ex I rearranged my whole schedule. I thought if the situation was reversed I would need and want to him to be with me. I found out quickly that The Ex didn't want or need me to help him get through this terrible time. I think this finally was what I needed to make me realize that this isn't the kind of boyfriend I need in my life. I want to be in a relationship in which the other person wants me around him when things are bad, good and everything in between. The Ex only wants me around when things are good and when I did finally see him and he said "It's just eaiser to be with my friends right now" he might as well said, "It's just easier to have you not so close to me." He's always been like this but it took this tragic event for it really to sink in. He's not a support system for me and he won't let me be a support system for him. We have always had the potential to be something great but I cannot and will not waste another day waiting for him to come around, grow up and for us to reach that potential. I'm starting to see that it probably won't ever happen. And now I have this looming trip to Florida. Do I cancel? Do I go down to end things once and for all? Again so much can happen in a week let alone a month, so as hastily as I booked the trip, I'm not going to hastily cancel the trip. When the trip gets closer hopefully I'll know what to do.

Back to The Catch. When I realized The Ex had no need for me to be around, I uncancelled the date with The Catch and we went for drinks at The Russell House, again at the suggestion of Blind Date (I don't think he realized by telling me it was a cool place I'd go on a date there with someone else). The place was great and I had another amazing date. Seriously, he's perfect and it's pissing me off. I told him this and he saw skeptic that I truly am. Although, I have been wondering maybe he's not perfect at all and any other person would be able to see his imperfections but I can't get past how amazingly good looking he is. I'm blinded by his gorgeousness.

As for me and my flaws, I told him about the blog! I think he was little weirded out about it to be honest but he kept a good attitude about it. He told me he was just going to keep asking, "Are you going to blog about this?" And telling him about my blog got me a kiss so good thing I told him about it! I told him he couldn't look for the blog or read and it he promised he wouldn't but only if I kissed him. No brainer! It was pretty adorable and a very sweet kiss.

As for my other issue I wanted to tell him about aka The Ex and my future trip to Florida, I tried to tell him, I really did. It just never quite got out. Next time, I swear, because there is going to be a next time! The Catch was even more adorable at the end of our date. I was headed to NYC for the weekend and he asked when I was getting back and I said Monday but not until late. And he said, "Well, I want to see you as soon as I can after Monday." I melted and said Tuesday, of course Tuesday. And if my life was a movie this song would have played, VIDEO CLIP TIME!:

And then I went home and gushed about him for hours to my roommate in good teenage fashion. I'm trying to not get too excited about him though because last week he wasn't in my life and next week he might be out of it again, who knows really. Okay, I'll be a little honest between The Musician, New Years Guy and Medicine Man all dissapearing just when I thought things were going good I'm a little burned and don't want to be burned off guard again.

So I headed to NYC for the weekend to visit my friends, a perfect way to not overthink things and get too excited about The Catch. Of course, a few days before I left for NYC, I thought it might be nice to let Hot Jersey Guy know about my upcoming visit. To be honest, my intentions were to try and hang out with him in a very innocent way. I wanted to just kind of stare at him and admire him like a trophy and say to myself, "Yeah, I did that." But by the time I met up with Hot Jersey Guy on Saturday night I had one too many drinks and it didn't take me long until I was making out with him in a bar. And it was all me. I have never been so forward in my life. I'm not sure what came over me. I think the combination of the fact that I haven't gotten any real action in awhile, I've been on a "look but don't touch" basis with The Catch - no easy task at all and I just find Hot Jersey Guy so freaking hot, I was all over that - real fast. And next thing I know, I'm in New Jersey. You know you're no longer a New Yorker when... you go to Jersey to get laid. But I have to say, on my train ride on the PATH back to Manhattan the next morning, I thought, "Yup, I did that. Again."

Cue the music please. VIDEO CLIP TIME 2:

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