Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pity, Party of One, Your Table's Ready

Okay to be honest all weekend, I have been a huge Debbie Downer. Luckily between sequestering myself at home and working, the only fun I ruined was my own unlike..... VIDEO CLIP TIME:

So, yep I just had a pity party all by myself. But let's back up a bit shall we? The week started so wonderfully.

Happy, content with all the different guys I was juggling - I saw it as options. Texting with the Medicine Man was non-stop and it was fun. He invited me to hang out on Monday. I guess I did have an awkward conversation with The Ex about basically telling him if we'd still been together I would have really thought about moving to Florida with him. It stung to even say those words aloud, I'm hoping it stung him to hear them. But, whatever The Ex would be gone soon and I had other people I could bring my attention to.

A day off - finally! I went to hip-hop yoga (not as crazy as it sounds just yoga to hip hop music) in the morning, watched a movie and slept all day until it was time to meet the Medicine Man. We met in Kendall at Think Tank. Which is actually a really cool restaurant/lounge. We just got drinks, although I really need to get dinner there sometime. Anyway, I was kind of nervous coming into the date because I had such a relaxing day and my last encounter with the Medicine Man was him bouncing off the wall. I just wasn't in the mood for a crazy amount of energy. Luckily, he was way more calm and we had a really great time. And the whole "I'm going to feel your pulse and tell you what kind of Chinese herbs you need, I can heal the things that bother you" was very attractive. Maybe I'm a total sucker and he does this to all girls to get them hooked but whatever, it worked. Also, I'm not sure if he sensed I was into his brother a bit last time we hung out but Medicine Man didn't fail to mention some unflattering stories about his brother on this date. It might have been unintentional but even if it was intentional I thought it was kind of cute. Anyway, we had a lot of fun, the conversation never had any awkward moments and all of a sudden it was late and time to go home.

We headed out and walked together with the intentions of him going to the train and me going home. Well, when we got to the point in which we should have parted ways we instead made out (side note: I'm getting real sick of the phrase made/make out but I feel kiss implies something sweeter) in the street. And then he said he'd "walk me home" and I'm sure you can all guess where this leads. So yeah, I finally gave in and invited him in. He ended up staying the night but I swear nothing happened except us making out. He didn't really try anything at first and finally when he did I was kind of into the whole teenage make-out session. He didn't seem to mind either, so all was well. And in the morning, I didn't have to worry about kicking him out because I really did have to go to work. :)

Exhausted and feeling kind of ill from lack of sleep, I went home early from work. And The Ex wanted to video chat. And we did, but something about it bothered me. We used to video chat when we were in the long distance part of our relationship. We had some pretty racy video chats, I won't lie, but since we pretty much video chatted everyday, not all of them were. This video chat on Tuesday reminded me of all those non-racy video chats, which reminded me of a time when even when we were 1000 miles away from each other we were still happy and somehow made things work. And I think this is where I started getting supplies for my pity party. On the bright side, Medicine Man and I were texting and sending emails like crazy. It was nice to get the attention.

More texting, more emails from the Medicine Man. And then he asked if I'd have lunch with him on Thursday. He didn't have work so he'd come into meet me for lunch. ADORABLE. Of course, I said yes. Oh man, I realized, I'm actually starting to like this guy. And this made things really awkward for me when I had a date with a new OkCupid guy that night.

Yeah, I had a date with... The Interrogator. I'm calling him that because I have no freaking clue what his job/title really is but it was long and had something to do with training people how to ask the right questions to companies who may be involved with fraud. He is also looking into getting into the FBI. So, you know The Interrogator seems appropriate. He also grilled me as well with questions before I got any in for him.

How'd the date go? Well, I was having awkward feelings about The Ex and new, fuzzy feelings about The Medicine Man so basically I wasn't really in the place to go on a date with someone brand new. Plus we went to Cuchi Cuchi which is this really cool restaurant but a fancy/pricey - well at least really chic. I was under the impression we were just getting drinks at the bar. Well, turns out he had a table reserved and we ended up getting some food too. I wasn't prepared for a formal date and this threw me off. I was acting like a nut, spilled my drink, kept mumbling when I couldn't get the mussels I ordered out of their shell. I don't know if he thought I was a weirdo or just nervous or both. I kind of wish someone was videotaping how awkward I was. He still paid for me (thank God, Cuchi Cuchi like I said isn't the cheapest place) and he even took me home in a cab - which was out of his way and paid for my share of the cab.

I guess it's true what they say about timing, if I had met The Interrogator a week or so earlier, we'd probably really hit it off. Unfortunately, I was a mess and I'm not surprised in the least bit that I haven't heard from him.

I had lunch with the Medicine Man. We got cheap tacos and hung out. Another great date that ended with him telling me he'd give me acupuncture on Saturday and then kissed me on the forehead goodbye. Super cute.

That evening I went out with my Mom gushing about Medicine Man and saw Jersey Boys - so fun! On my walk home from the train, I talked to the Ex and when I said I was home he was sad that I had to go. Again, infuriating me for no great reason. I guess my frustration came from the idea that talking to a guy before bed should be reserved for best friends or boy friends, in my opinion, and while The Ex has recently said he feels he lost his best friend when I wasn't talking to him, he's made it very clear that he can't be just friends with me. And his move to Florida really rules him out as being anything more than friends. I'm still keeping my cool though. No need to get upset. Besides... I have other options.

Let the pity party begin! The Ex had been asking me to hang out on Friday but I wanted to keep my options open so I said I had plans. The fact is, I didn't have plans. This is the point where I realize New Years Guy has dropped off the planet. Really, what was the point of saying, "Yes, let's definitely hang out when I get back" if he obviously had no intentions of hanging out with me? Is passive aggressively turning someone down a cool thing to do? I don't need a rejection letter like The Actor gave me but honestly just ignore my text message if you're over me. Leading someone on just because you don't know what else to say is rude. Anyway, New Years Guy's behavior makes me think of The Musician which makes me feel like an idiot all over again. Again, this blog should really be called I'm. An. Idiot. I'm feeling more like one every day. I call The Ex and he's invites me to Clerys a cool bar with a dance floor downstairs. And this sets me over the edge. I don't know if he's going with friends to just have a fun time or to just go and grind up on any girl who will look his way. Then I realize, I'm getting jealous. And THEN I realize sleeping with him a couple weeks ago was not a strings attached moment. And I finally give into the fact that our 5 month break up is actually getting to me and bringing me down. So, I pick a fight with him which was irrational but I did mean some of the things I said.  Then I stay in and watch a movie about people falling in love. Pathetic.

A new day? Hardly. I'm still in a terrible mood. I ask the Medicine Man if we're still on for my acupuncture treatment. Nope. But he's still going to come to the Donkey Show later that night which I happen to be working, so we make plans to hang out afterward. I ask him to tell me by 10pm how many people he's coming with so I can set tickets aside for him. And 10pm rolls around and I hear nothing. I finally get a text message at 12am saying he fell asleep and he's sorry, don't hate him. If I wasn't throwing a pity party for myself I wouldn't care  - things happen, but this isn't the week to make a mistake with me. Of course, I tell him it's fine. I go to bed disappointed, sad, mad and all the other negative emotions one can feel at the same time.

I really know how to pick em'.

Well, no time to cry about it and since I just saw Jersey Boys, I'll leave you with this classic VIDEO CLIP TIME, NUMERO DOS:

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