Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Death by Dating

Like I said last week, no juicy details to get into. Phew. Although, I had to be pretty slick or awkward - your choice- in order to get away with it!

Okay, I'm going to be honest: I AM SO SICK OF GOING ON DATES. No, really, last week I went on a date Sunday, Wednesday, Friday (if you count going out with the Ex a date) and Saturday. Not to mention that last week I had a work event Monday night, class on Tuesday and had to work at my part time gig at the A.R.T on Thursday night! In fact, yesterday I went home sick early but I really think I was just overtired. Beyond being tired, I think I'm gaining weight because all I do is drink alcohol and eat out. Finally, on Sunday I saw my girlfriends, Jess and Kaitlin, (yay for girls!) and they joked that I'd write two books, My Year of Dating followed by My Year of Dieting. It's funny now but I'm guessing 50 pounds in the future it won't be.

I'm sure you're all rolling your eyes and are sarcastically thinking, "Yeah, poor girl, she has TOO many dates to go on, I feel real bad for her." And you are right, there are some positives to all of this. Plus, I could stop at anytime - but then all of you would have nothing to read, and that's just not fair to you! The one huge positive of all this, and this may be obvious, is I get FREE dinner and drinks! On all dates with OKCupid guys, I've only had to buy once and I opted to buy. Not to mention it was only two beer for The Animator and me on our second date after he bought me three glasses of wine. So, yes, I'm really into the free beverages and food. Therefore, I've decided I need to be more creative in suggesting where to eat or meet up so that I can try new places I wouldn't try on my own dollar. That sounds terrible.

Anyway, the third date with The Animator went well! We had dinner at Green Street Grill in Central Square. And luckily, it was Wednesday and on Wednesdays at Green Street Grill is taco night! They were the most amazing tacos I've ever had! And we hung out for a while eating dinner and had a couple of drinks. And then at the end of the night, I played the “I'm really tired card”. I was all ready to take the train home, an excellent escape from having him come home with me, when he asked if I wanted a ride home. I knew it was risky to take the ride because there we'd be outside of my apartment in a car.... but I took the ride anyway - I had to! So, there we were in a car, outside of my apartment when he gave me a weird peck-on-the-lips-kiss and then there was an awkward moment in which I think I was supposed to invite him up, but obviously I didn't (I couldn't)! But, then I was weird and didn't get out of the car right away, so he gave me a real kiss and for a split second I thought maybe I should give it another go - and then immediately thought, "Nope, too soon!" and jumped out of the car and ran into my apartment.

I was actually just getting nervous that my running or fleeing – your choice – from his car made him less interested in me. But tonight he called. Remember the days when I would wait for The Musician to send me a shitty text message that would inevitably never come? Ah those were the days. Anyway, he called and tomorrow we have a date. I have to say The Animator is playing by the rule of three really wonderfully and is really doing well with the “don’t smother me but don’t think seeing me once every 10 days is cool either” balance. I’m starting to be slightly impressed.

My Friday date with the Ex was really great as well but I’m battling with whether this is hard or a "having my cake and eating it to" situation. It’s hard because when we’re with each other it’s fun and comfortable and sometimes I think why can’t we just make this work?! But the other side of me likes not having the commitment. I like that I can explore being with other people but the Ex can be the boyfriend when I want or need him to be. Gosh, that sounds terrible too. I’m changing subjects.

Next was the date with a new OKCupid guy – The Consultant. Okay, I’m not really sure he’s a consultant but I came to the conclusion that this was the easiest way to describe what he does. I'm not going to even get into it because it's too complicated. We went to this really cool restaurant in Inman Square called Trina’s Starlite Lounge. It looks like a dive bar on the outside, a chic restaurant/bar on the inside and the menus have a retro diner logos while the food is a new and delicious taste on American comfort food. They have to-die-for cocktails and the food was AMAZING. The Consultant was not bad himself either. He asked me a million questions about myself and did this thing where before I could finish a sentence he’d say “right”, which was kind of annoying actually but didn’t ruin the date. He was sweet, polite and even drove me home. No sparks flew, not that I was expecting them to but I haven’t heard from him since and that was on Saturday – although apply the three day rule and he’s got until tomorrow to make contact.

And that, in a nutshell, was my week. And SCORE, I was just inspired for VIDEO CLIP TIME:


  1. Thanks Hannah!! It took me about 10 hours to figure out this was you but then I stopped being 85 years old and remembered :)
