Friday, October 15, 2010

Concrete Jungle

My goal has been to write AT LEAST one entry per week. Unfortunately, I haven't been on any dates since last time because I was in NEW YORK! To recap my trip, let's just watch this video:

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I ran around the city visiting friends from Brooklyn to the Upper West side and everywhere in between. Although it wasn't a totally guy free weekend, my intentions were to spend quality time with my some of my best friends.

Not totally guy free? Well, I met a whole bunch of guys through friends on Friday night when I got in, and well, one in particular grabbed my attention. Again, as my intentions were to spend time with my friends who I haven't seen in a long time and not to hook up with anyone, I didn't pay too much attention to him except for sneaking peaks because seriously, he was pretty hot. Then my friend Stef kept saying I should talk to him because he was interested. "Say what?!" I thought. I'm still relatively blown away when hot guys are interested in me. I'd like to say it's because I'm humble and not insecure....

So we did talk, pretty much for the rest of the evening. We even ran away from the rest of the group to get pizza. It was so "New York." But when asked to go back to New Jersey, the good friend in me, not to mention the New Yorker in me (New Jersey- HA!) had to decline. And when he said, "And I don't even get to make out with you" I kind of fell in love.

Do I WISH, WISH WISH that I had made out with this hot guy: Yes. But the moral of this story is that guys are fun, especially if they are good looking, but my friends are ALWAYS more important. So, with a quick kiss, I said goodbye and jumped in the cab with my dearest friend, Erin. And I would have regretted any other decision. He may come up to Boston with a bunch of friends next month but until then....

I'm going on a date tonight! The second one with The Animator! And on Sunday, I believe I'm meeting up with a NEW OKCupid guy! We were supposed to meet up before I went to NYC and it didn't work out so, hopefully this time it will work out. I'm not sure exactly what to call him because he went to school for engineering, is working to be a personal trainer and seems super athletic. He's also going to school right now for the French Horn... so any suggestions on what to call Mr. Best All Around? Maybe that? Anyway, if you'd like to give me input on what his "blog name" should be, please leave me a comment!

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