Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to Pointing. Clicking and most importantly: DATING

With The Musician out of the picture and The Ex really needing to be as well, I've known that going out on more dates needs to happen, and apparently my readers have thought so as well. Two dedicated followers of this blog and good friends, Stef and Sean(who may be my only straight MALE reader - way to represent!), let me know that although my life/non-online dating shenanigans have been interesting and humorous, I need to get back to do the online dating part of this blog. Note taken and thankfully for the blog sake I can say applied!

I was really getting worried there for a moment. I was messaging back and forth with people and no one seemed to be inviting me out. I almost had to drop all standards and go out with a real terrible looking and/or quite possibly crazy person - YIKES! Luckily, standards have remained intact.

A few weeks ago, I was supposed to meet up with someone from OkCupid, The Animator, but it never worked out because of our conflicting schedules. So, one week ago I decided to let him know we never hung out and see what he said. And he very quickly set up a date and now I am home, reporting back from said date!!

The Location: Miracle of Science Bar... wait does that sound familiar? It should.... I went there with The Artist! This time, however, was a much different experience mostly because The Animator was way hotter than expected. His OkCupid pictures did NOT do him justice. At times I stopped listening because I thought about making out out with him...

The Animator was a little awkward though, but when I realized I could ask him almost any random question at all and he'd answer, the conversation went much smoother. Needless to say, I learned a good number of facts about him which I will share the top five with you now:

1. He is an animator for the video game company that makes ROCK BAND!

2. He met Yoko Ono while working on the Beatles version of Rock Band!!!! (I heart Yoko Ono!!!!!!!!)

3.  He has a RIDICULOUS blog and I probably shouldn't publicize it here but I have to. I'm giving you the facebook link Basically, he photoshops dogs or other animals into weird scenarios and gives it a headline. A very ridiculous spin on The Onion. Some entries are just ridiculous but a good amount are pretty funny.

4. His nickname at work is Horse and he wishes he could introduce himself as that because.....

5. He knows someone who introduces himself as PEACHES. Yeah. He knows a guy who goes by PEACHES.

Anyway, other than the awkward moments that happened a little more frequently than necessary - especially at the end when he walked me to the train and said, "Soooo you want to hang out again?" I said "Nah.... not really" and then laughed and I think he thought I was serious, so I quickly told him I'd love to -  I think the date was.... A SUCCESS!!

Mostly, I can't get over how hot he really was. And maybe this is all expectations. For example, I thought The Artist was going to be HOT and he was NOT so much. I  thought The Animator was going to be decent looking, at best, and since my expectations were low, I think I found him way hotter than he actually is! I'll reassess after our next date, which I really hope happens soon! I can say for certain he's a good looking fella with a good sense of humor. Two big positives.

I'm hoping this a sign for good things to come as I'm supposed to meet up with another OkCupid "friend" tomorrow! Also, I've been messaging back and forth for AWHILE with someone else on OkCupid, who is NOW my facebook friend and also we've found out that we have a mutual friend, so I'm not really sure what the hold up is but I'm hoping we'll meet up sometime soon as well.

Oh, and by "good things to come," I mean "good blog material." You thought this skeptic was getting soft on you, didn't you? HA! NOT YET!

And since I've also gotten feedback (which by the way please feel free to give me feedback, what you like, don't like, what you want more or less of, as a COMMENT. Feedback so far has been AMAZING!) that people LIKE the video clip element, I will leave you with the following:

1 comment:

  1. "So, wanna hang out again?"
    "Nah, not really."
    (awkward pause)
    "Just kidding!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I really, really love that you did that. That poor animator.
