Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 5 Highlights of the Last 9 Days

Forgive me dearest blog readers, it's been nine days since my last entry....

I 'd like to sum up the last nine days with five simple sentences:

  1. Went on date number 4 with The Animator. 
  2. Screamed at The Ex on the phone, called him a bastard and hung up.
  3. Went to a Halloween party in Brighton as Tinkerbell and was hoping I'd meet a hot Peter Pan.
  4. Found my 14 year old roots and developed a huge crush via facebook messages.
  5. Went on a date with a new OKCupid guy: The Hipster. 
So, let's start at the beginning shall we?

1.  Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
For date number four, The Animator and I went to see The Social Network. I found it ironic that one, The Animator doesn't know my last name and can't find me on Facebook; and two, I used facebook to stalk him and found out his last name. Ohhhhh facebook - Thanks, Mark Zuckerberg! I liked the movie but movie dates are weird because you can't interact. And really that's all we did. He picked me up, we went to the movies, he drove me home and another awkward-outside-my-apartment-in-a-car-moment happened and that was that. I thought for SURE this time he wasn't going to call me. Like clockwork, however, after I got out of class on Tuesday night I got a text asking if I'd like to hang out again. So, I'm doing something right. Or maybe he's just really bored. Either way, I'll take it!

2.  Friday, October 28th, 2010
I was supposed to go to a party on Friday but it got canceled the day before. I didn't make new plans so I figured, I'll just hang out with The Ex. For the last few weeks he was kind of an on-call boyfriend. When I needed to have that comfort in my bed, I called him and he was there. When I had dates or other exciting plans, he was free for the evening. It worked out really well, for me at least.

Obviously this wasn't going to last forever but I thought I had a good month left. And then Friday, I called him and when he didn't come over I was angry. More angry because he said he would and then stood me up. And when I called to say "WTF?" He said it would be another 20 minutes. And when he stood me up for the 2nd time that night, I went to bed feeling like a fool. So when I got woken up by his phone call, I wasn't exactly "Little Miss Sunshine". In fact, I was "Lil Mizz Fuck Off". I told him we shouldn't talk anymore and when he put up no fight and simply just agreed, I flew off the handle, called him a bastard and hung up. And that was 6 days ago, we haven't spoken since.

I realize that this was all really dramatic of me and stems from a place of me not getting what I want. I see that. I'm not going to pretend I'm in the "right" here. However, I'm also not going to apologize or be the first one to reach out. If he cares about me at all, he'll figure out a way to talk to me. If not, well we all know that The Ex is an unhealthy habit, we've known it for weeks.

3.  Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Halloween Eve and a party in Brighton. I went with my friend Kaitlin to a Disney-Themed Halloween party and she wrote about the evening so beautifully in her own blog, that I'd be embarrassed to even try and do it better. Therefore,  click here to read about the wonderfully horrifying Halloween we had.

The only thing I will add is that I really thought that there might be some hot or remotely attractive guy dressed up as Peter Pan or Captain Hook, but to be honest I would have done much better if I was looking for a Wendy. It was definitely a female friendly party.

4.   October 11th - November 3rd, 2010
Now, I put this date range because this is how long I've been talking back and forth over FACEBOOK messages with the hot guy from New Jersey (If you just said who? Please refer to: Concrete Jungle). Anyway, yeah we've kept up through the amazing tool called facebook (even though I think you're even more of a douche after seeing The Social Network, thanks again Mark Zuckerberg!) And the 14 year old in me that used to develop crushes over AIM, effortlessly came back And it's ridiculous and hilarious all at the same time. But I have every intention of prolonging this crush until November 21st because he's supposedly making a Boston trip that weekend. If he doesn't come up, the 14 year old in me gets the boot and I get a crush that's more practical. Until then it's straight crushing... unless, of course, I meet someone crush worthy at the party that was canceled last week and rescheduled for tomorrow.

 5.  Wednesday November 3rd, 2010
Another guy, another date. This time I was actually kind of excited. He was really interesting through messages, he liked traveling, he had been to Japan, I was actually kind of impressed by his profile, his pictures were promising, etc. etc. etc. We met at my choice, Lord Hobo near Kendall Square.  And the second I walked in and saw him, I immediately was counting down the minutes until the end of the date. He wasn't ugly, although he definitely wasn't as cute as his photos, but he was The Hipster. Seriously, he was the poster child for Hipsters. And I just wasn't in the mood for his skinny jeans that were skinnier than mine, his plaid or his awkward attitude. He got really offended when I said downtown London looked like Epcot Center London. He said it wasn't London's fault that Disney world copied it, sorry I insulted the Hipster Mecca.

What this date did provide was some inspiration. It inspired me to look for hipster video clips and I am really impressed with VIDEO CLIP TIME this week! It's an Australian Honda commercial and it's quite amazing, enjoy: 

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