Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Drinks with The Artist

Remember I messaged The Artist? He drew giraffes, I thought he cute, I was being proactive and then he messaged me back? Well, I mentioned him in the 3rd entry – go back and reread if you don’t remember.

So, all this time while I was having a lot of fun making bad life decisions like hitchhiking, sleeping with The Musician without having a real date(oh yeah it happened again, we haven’t gone an official date yet, this is considered a BAD LIFE DECISION) and getting stalked by The Scientist - through all that - The Artist and I have been messaging back and forth. For a while, I really thought that we would just be OKCupid message pals forever. I mean everyone else on this site was very forward asking for numbers, giving me a number, asking if I wanted to a get a drink in the first message and today, I even got a message asking if I’d be interested in an “adult romp” this weekend. So, sending long messages back and forth with The Artist was definitely different. That being said, he seemed like a nice, decent guy (and hey, his photos aren’t so bad either) so when he finally asked to meet up, I was obviously in!
We decided to meet up in Central Square at 7pm for drinks. I thought this was smart keeping it casual, if I wanted to bail after one drink I totally could have! So, I’m 10 minutes late AGAIN, really I don’t know what my problem is. When I see him for the first time I giggle to myself because he wore a skinny little tie! Super adorable. This time no hug like we know each other because that’s actually weird. He buys me my first drink (so far, so good) and we sit down and chat it up. And he’s nice and kind of cute but man, he’s awkward. No, that’s not fair to say because HE'S trying harder than ME to keep the conversation flowing and moving forward. All I can think he’s a SUPER GEEK. In fact, he reminds me a little of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. For those of you who aren't familiar with this show:


And just like Sheldon, even though he’s a super nerd, you like him because he’s quirky and funny. And The Artist isn’t laugh out loud funny but just like in the clip above, he comes out of left field with his topics. For example, we were at an awkward pause in conversation when he says, “So, my sister is dating a Private Eye.” First of all this is the coolest thing I’ve ever heard. I want to be a Private Eye! How do you get to become a Private Eye? Do you go to school to become a Private Eye? Apparently, his sister’s boyfriend just showed up at an office and trained to become one. SO COOL. New life goal: Become a Private Eye.
The Artist then goes on to tell me all about his sister. In fact, I think I left knowing more about his sister than him. But seriously, I want to be his sister’s friend, she sounds super cool. She was an amazing dancer and got into an awesome dance program but THEN tragically her legs or knees or her shins or something started to bother her. She rested, thought it would get better but ALAS!! This problem did NOT go away! And now she will never have a career as a dancer! She was left with crushed dreams, an unknown future and aching limbs! But she perseveres! She starts to go to school somewhere else and now has a NEW dream! To be come an archeologist! And now she’s dating a Private I. What a cool chick. Not really sure why The Artist is such a nerd.
He’s such a nerd in fact, that I decide we need to change locations and what better place to go but to the Miracle of Science Bar. With a periodic table in the background, I seem to not care as much about his nerdiness. Or maybe I'm getting a bit tipsy.

And he buys my 3rd drink and as I finish the last few sip, I realize I'm drunk - not that I can tolerate my alcohol anyway, but to my credit, I had a small salad for dinner and a few pumpernickel pretzels. I'm not just drunk but I'm starving! And I wonder, am I just drunk or does he give off an incredible gay vibe??? Oh brother, it’s not even 11pm, I’m drunk and now he seems a little gay to me. I decide to make a good life decision (you know to switch it up), tell him I’m tired and go home.
On the walk to the train station, he hits me with another random but hilarious fact: If I have a child who is a hemophiliac, I may get a book with his drawings in it. Ooooh Artist, you’re such a quirky, silly nerd with a splash of gay thrown in!

We do the awkward hug, he thanks me for coming out and we part ways. And guess what? THREE DAYS later he messages me. Too bad he gives me a nerdy, gay vibe because the boy at least knows how to play by the rules. But, since he’s playing by the rules, I let him know I’m busy but to call me in a week when things are less hectic. All and all it was okay time and thank God he's not giving the stalker vibe. Really, I'm not sure I can handle another stalker quite yet.

TEASER TIME: On the way home from drinks with The Artist, it’s just now 11:00pm and as I said before I’m drunk. In my intoxicated state, I think, who can I drunk dial. The Musician? You would think that but no, he’s away, so it’s not like calling him would do anything. The Scientist? WRONG. Come on, who drunk dials, let alone calls, a stalker. So, who??? I drunk dial…


Stay tuned…

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