Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Death by Dating

Like I said last week, no juicy details to get into. Phew. Although, I had to be pretty slick or awkward - your choice- in order to get away with it!

Okay, I'm going to be honest: I AM SO SICK OF GOING ON DATES. No, really, last week I went on a date Sunday, Wednesday, Friday (if you count going out with the Ex a date) and Saturday. Not to mention that last week I had a work event Monday night, class on Tuesday and had to work at my part time gig at the A.R.T on Thursday night! In fact, yesterday I went home sick early but I really think I was just overtired. Beyond being tired, I think I'm gaining weight because all I do is drink alcohol and eat out. Finally, on Sunday I saw my girlfriends, Jess and Kaitlin, (yay for girls!) and they joked that I'd write two books, My Year of Dating followed by My Year of Dieting. It's funny now but I'm guessing 50 pounds in the future it won't be.

I'm sure you're all rolling your eyes and are sarcastically thinking, "Yeah, poor girl, she has TOO many dates to go on, I feel real bad for her." And you are right, there are some positives to all of this. Plus, I could stop at anytime - but then all of you would have nothing to read, and that's just not fair to you! The one huge positive of all this, and this may be obvious, is I get FREE dinner and drinks! On all dates with OKCupid guys, I've only had to buy once and I opted to buy. Not to mention it was only two beer for The Animator and me on our second date after he bought me three glasses of wine. So, yes, I'm really into the free beverages and food. Therefore, I've decided I need to be more creative in suggesting where to eat or meet up so that I can try new places I wouldn't try on my own dollar. That sounds terrible.

Anyway, the third date with The Animator went well! We had dinner at Green Street Grill in Central Square. And luckily, it was Wednesday and on Wednesdays at Green Street Grill is taco night! They were the most amazing tacos I've ever had! And we hung out for a while eating dinner and had a couple of drinks. And then at the end of the night, I played the “I'm really tired card”. I was all ready to take the train home, an excellent escape from having him come home with me, when he asked if I wanted a ride home. I knew it was risky to take the ride because there we'd be outside of my apartment in a car.... but I took the ride anyway - I had to! So, there we were in a car, outside of my apartment when he gave me a weird peck-on-the-lips-kiss and then there was an awkward moment in which I think I was supposed to invite him up, but obviously I didn't (I couldn't)! But, then I was weird and didn't get out of the car right away, so he gave me a real kiss and for a split second I thought maybe I should give it another go - and then immediately thought, "Nope, too soon!" and jumped out of the car and ran into my apartment.

I was actually just getting nervous that my running or fleeing – your choice – from his car made him less interested in me. But tonight he called. Remember the days when I would wait for The Musician to send me a shitty text message that would inevitably never come? Ah those were the days. Anyway, he called and tomorrow we have a date. I have to say The Animator is playing by the rule of three really wonderfully and is really doing well with the “don’t smother me but don’t think seeing me once every 10 days is cool either” balance. I’m starting to be slightly impressed.

My Friday date with the Ex was really great as well but I’m battling with whether this is hard or a "having my cake and eating it to" situation. It’s hard because when we’re with each other it’s fun and comfortable and sometimes I think why can’t we just make this work?! But the other side of me likes not having the commitment. I like that I can explore being with other people but the Ex can be the boyfriend when I want or need him to be. Gosh, that sounds terrible too. I’m changing subjects.

Next was the date with a new OKCupid guy – The Consultant. Okay, I’m not really sure he’s a consultant but I came to the conclusion that this was the easiest way to describe what he does. I'm not going to even get into it because it's too complicated. We went to this really cool restaurant in Inman Square called Trina’s Starlite Lounge. It looks like a dive bar on the outside, a chic restaurant/bar on the inside and the menus have a retro diner logos while the food is a new and delicious taste on American comfort food. They have to-die-for cocktails and the food was AMAZING. The Consultant was not bad himself either. He asked me a million questions about myself and did this thing where before I could finish a sentence he’d say “right”, which was kind of annoying actually but didn’t ruin the date. He was sweet, polite and even drove me home. No sparks flew, not that I was expecting them to but I haven’t heard from him since and that was on Saturday – although apply the three day rule and he’s got until tomorrow to make contact.

And that, in a nutshell, was my week. And SCORE, I was just inspired for VIDEO CLIP TIME:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dates, Drinks and Discoveries

As I said last time, I had two dates lined up. The first was with The Animator and the second was with The Renaissance Man -thanks for the suggestions on the name everyone! I'm going to start with the date with The Renaissance Man because frankly, it’s less exciting and I don’t want to end on an anticlimactic note.

To be honest, I thought this guy just might be my soul mate – NOT because he said anything over OKCupid messages that made me think so, mostly because I had such an amazing Sunday. It started with sex (with the Ex… sigh) but regardless of who it was with, this is always a good way to start the day. I got a good work out in, then the rest of the day was lazy yet productive. I watched bad Ben Stiller movies, I ate pie with my roommates who I never see, I got laundry and homework done, I made a trip to Target, I played Rock Band for the first time with my roommate and when I was going to be super late for my date with The Renaissance Man, I ended up seeing my friend in transit who gave me a ride! The day was just going so well, I kind of thought, “because this day is so awesome, this guy must be so awesome.” Well, he wasn’t awesome. He wasn’t lame, don’t get me wrong, but my awesome Sunday had high expectations and unfortunately, he didn’t make the cut.

Before I go any further, I need to admit something. I’m not really proud of it but at 5 foot 2 inches tall, I am a height snob. I know, I know! Where do I get off? I mean I’ve dated, and dated seriously, not so tall guys. But ever since I dated the Ex who is 6 feet tall, I’m really liking the tall guys, and the short guys – not so much. So for all the short guys out there – VIDEO CLIP TIME!

That being said, The Renaissance man comes waltzing into Border Café and the first thing I think, not really that tall. He wasn’t even short, I bet he was average, but the height snob in me said, “not tall enough.” Anyway, we sat down and I felt less distracted that he wasn’t as tall as I wished. I ordered a massive strawberry frozen margarita, which if you’re from the Boston area and have never gotten one from Border Café, stop reading and go there now! We talked about everything - where he grew up (California), where I grew up, what he did in college, what I did in college, he was on a Triathlon team (I had no idea there were Triathlon teams), I played sports for a little while, he has almost played every sport known to man, etc. etc. etc. I mean really in two hours we learned quite a bit about each other. And he was nice and cute, but I left the date feeling he was interesting but I, unfortunately, was not interested. What stinks about this whole OKCupid thing is I’m pretty sure you can't just be friends with people you meet. It’s implied that everyone wants a little action no matter what they say they are “looking for" in their profiles. I wonder if I could successfully make a friend on OKCupid with a guy…skeptical, of course.

Oh man, NOW what you’ve ALL been waiting for….


On Friday night, we met at The Sevens in Beacon Hill. It was your average pub but we got a cute corner table by the window. After three glasses of wine, and I think he had four Octoberfests, I’m pretty sure we were both a little tipsy. But, we were actually having a lot of fun. He was much more relaxed and the conversation was way less awkward than date number one. He was way more funny and we were having a really great time. We should have went home after all that wine and beer but we decided to go to the Red Hat for one more drink. When we both finished our drink we knew that neither of us needed another one but we didn’t know whether to end the date or what. He actually joked, “Well, we could go find a side street to make out in.” I’m not sure why I love when guys just say out loud that they want to make out with me but I do. Remember, this JUST happened to me in New York with the hot guy from Jersey. Anyway, I find it refreshing when people just outwardly say something about making because obviously we've both been thinking about it, so why not just say it out loud. I laughed at his make out suggestion, but I think he didn’t know how if was I laughing because I thought it was a terrible idea or laughing because he said it. Anyway, we decided to call it a night.

We walked to government center and realized we might have missed the last train – we had no idea it was that late. In trying to decide to either see if we should see if there was more train for us to take or find a cab, I stared up at him (he’s a good foot taller than me – score!) and then we kissed! Right in front of the government center T Stop, super romantic - HA.

Then another "romantic" thing happened. He asked how we should get to our respective homes and I said, “Well, I could be super forward right now” and he told me to go for it, so I did. I asked him to come home with me. We got a cab and the next thing I know we were making out in my bed.

Now, you’re thinking wow, this is great. The Animator is tall, funny, good looking, clearly you liked making out with him! Well, I thought the same thing but since I’m a true and blue skeptic, I thought, "okay, what’s the catch?" Well, the catch is the enormous heat he’s packing, if you know what I mean.

I hate to divulge too many details about my sexual experiences because this is really just supposed to be about pointing, clicking and dating – sex is implied but it’s not the focus of this blog and besides I’m a classy lady (or try to be). But I have to say I was in awe when I felt what he was working with down there. And I say felt because seriously I didn't look at it, I was too scared. I had NO idea they came in that size. My friends who have run into this (huge) issue should have given me exact measurements, I felt so unprepared! So I did what any shocked girl would do- I pretended I was more drunk than I was and just kind of stopped all physical activities.

Luckily, he didn't think it was weird and we have another date tonight. I'm going to try my hardest not to think about this (huge) issue. We'll just have to see what happens but this new discovery makes me very, very nervous! Rest assured, my next entry about date number three will not go into juicy details because there will be no juicy details to disclose. I'm just not sure I can handle it. Sure, I've never been presented with the opportunity to really know if I can handle it or not, but seriously this thing was ginormous. Although, if I do get the courage to do something with it, all I'm saying is I better get some free rock band shit out of it, because by the way I'm obsessed with Rock Band now. So it's really fitting I'm seeing a guy who works for Rock Band. Rock on!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Concrete Jungle

My goal has been to write AT LEAST one entry per week. Unfortunately, I haven't been on any dates since last time because I was in NEW YORK! To recap my trip, let's just watch this video:

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I ran around the city visiting friends from Brooklyn to the Upper West side and everywhere in between. Although it wasn't a totally guy free weekend, my intentions were to spend quality time with my some of my best friends.

Not totally guy free? Well, I met a whole bunch of guys through friends on Friday night when I got in, and well, one in particular grabbed my attention. Again, as my intentions were to spend time with my friends who I haven't seen in a long time and not to hook up with anyone, I didn't pay too much attention to him except for sneaking peaks because seriously, he was pretty hot. Then my friend Stef kept saying I should talk to him because he was interested. "Say what?!" I thought. I'm still relatively blown away when hot guys are interested in me. I'd like to say it's because I'm humble and not insecure....

So we did talk, pretty much for the rest of the evening. We even ran away from the rest of the group to get pizza. It was so "New York." But when asked to go back to New Jersey, the good friend in me, not to mention the New Yorker in me (New Jersey- HA!) had to decline. And when he said, "And I don't even get to make out with you" I kind of fell in love.

Do I WISH, WISH WISH that I had made out with this hot guy: Yes. But the moral of this story is that guys are fun, especially if they are good looking, but my friends are ALWAYS more important. So, with a quick kiss, I said goodbye and jumped in the cab with my dearest friend, Erin. And I would have regretted any other decision. He may come up to Boston with a bunch of friends next month but until then....

I'm going on a date tonight! The second one with The Animator! And on Sunday, I believe I'm meeting up with a NEW OKCupid guy! We were supposed to meet up before I went to NYC and it didn't work out so, hopefully this time it will work out. I'm not sure exactly what to call him because he went to school for engineering, is working to be a personal trainer and seems super athletic. He's also going to school right now for the French Horn... so any suggestions on what to call Mr. Best All Around? Maybe that? Anyway, if you'd like to give me input on what his "blog name" should be, please leave me a comment!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to Pointing. Clicking and most importantly: DATING

With The Musician out of the picture and The Ex really needing to be as well, I've known that going out on more dates needs to happen, and apparently my readers have thought so as well. Two dedicated followers of this blog and good friends, Stef and Sean(who may be my only straight MALE reader - way to represent!), let me know that although my life/non-online dating shenanigans have been interesting and humorous, I need to get back to do the online dating part of this blog. Note taken and thankfully for the blog sake I can say applied!

I was really getting worried there for a moment. I was messaging back and forth with people and no one seemed to be inviting me out. I almost had to drop all standards and go out with a real terrible looking and/or quite possibly crazy person - YIKES! Luckily, standards have remained intact.

A few weeks ago, I was supposed to meet up with someone from OkCupid, The Animator, but it never worked out because of our conflicting schedules. So, one week ago I decided to let him know we never hung out and see what he said. And he very quickly set up a date and now I am home, reporting back from said date!!

The Location: Miracle of Science Bar... wait does that sound familiar? It should.... I went there with The Artist! This time, however, was a much different experience mostly because The Animator was way hotter than expected. His OkCupid pictures did NOT do him justice. At times I stopped listening because I thought about making out out with him...

The Animator was a little awkward though, but when I realized I could ask him almost any random question at all and he'd answer, the conversation went much smoother. Needless to say, I learned a good number of facts about him which I will share the top five with you now:

1. He is an animator for the video game company that makes ROCK BAND!

2. He met Yoko Ono while working on the Beatles version of Rock Band!!!! (I heart Yoko Ono!!!!!!!!)

3.  He has a RIDICULOUS blog and I probably shouldn't publicize it here but I have to. I'm giving you the facebook link http://www.facebook.com/trueamericandog Basically, he photoshops dogs or other animals into weird scenarios and gives it a headline. A very ridiculous spin on The Onion. Some entries are just ridiculous but a good amount are pretty funny.

4. His nickname at work is Horse and he wishes he could introduce himself as that because.....

5. He knows someone who introduces himself as PEACHES. Yeah. He knows a guy who goes by PEACHES.

Anyway, other than the awkward moments that happened a little more frequently than necessary - especially at the end when he walked me to the train and said, "Soooo you want to hang out again?" I said "Nah.... not really" and then laughed and I think he thought I was serious, so I quickly told him I'd love to -  I think the date was.... A SUCCESS!!

Mostly, I can't get over how hot he really was. And maybe this is all expectations. For example, I thought The Artist was going to be HOT and he was NOT so much. I  thought The Animator was going to be decent looking, at best, and since my expectations were low, I think I found him way hotter than he actually is! I'll reassess after our next date, which I really hope happens soon! I can say for certain he's a good looking fella with a good sense of humor. Two big positives.

I'm hoping this a sign for good things to come as I'm supposed to meet up with another OkCupid "friend" tomorrow! Also, I've been messaging back and forth for AWHILE with someone else on OkCupid, who is NOW my facebook friend and also we've found out that we have a mutual friend, so I'm not really sure what the hold up is but I'm hoping we'll meet up sometime soon as well.

Oh, and by "good things to come," I mean "good blog material." You thought this skeptic was getting soft on you, didn't you? HA! NOT YET!

And since I've also gotten feedback (which by the way please feel free to give me feedback, what you like, don't like, what you want more or less of, as a COMMENT. Feedback so far has been AMAZING!) that people LIKE the video clip element, I will leave you with the following:

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Musician Exits Stage Left

Well, readers (I’m acting like there is a lot of you – in hopes that some day there will be), I bet you were all on the edge of your seats last entry as I left you with the fact that I was a half a bottle of wine deep and extremely angered and confused by The Musician’s actions, or lack there of, the last time we saw each other. I also asked you all, “Should I call him?” And although I clearly stated at the very end of the last entry that I need to give up boys and bad decisions, I called him.

He picked me up and brought me back to his place. And since I was drunk, he decided he should be too. And we watched Modern Family, I cried laughing because how funny is that show?! Anyway, this sleepover was much more interesting than the last time. THANK GOD.

So, that was last Wednesday and it’s been a week and one day. The only communication we’ve had is through facebook. And it mostly consisted of him telling me that he wasn’t sure if he could go to the Revolution game I had invited him to on Saturday and then officially telling me he couldn’t go. Even though I told him a week an a half ago and he agreed to go. His excuse was musically related but the fact that he hasn’t called to hang out or schedule anything at all makes him very, very lame.

Now, you’re probably all thinking, oh no, he’s totally blowing her off and I bet she’s super upset because she was falling for him and oooh, how terrible. Well, I was disappointed a week ago when he was clearly blowing me off, a week before The Ex and I started having amazing sex. I’m not saying I didn’t think The Musician was really cool and someone I could really like, but let’s face it, he was my rebound. I didn’t want him to be! I don’t want him to be! But, he is or WAS.

I had an interesting night out on Saturday with The Ex, by the way. We drank too many margaritas (please don't call AA, I know a lot of this blog revolves around alcohol and drunkenness but really I'm okay) and danced our heart away at The Donkey Show. Before dancing though, I thought it would be a good idea to have the awkward “who have you slept with?” conversation. GOOD NEWS: We’re one for one. BAD NEWS: He slept with someone! Jerk. GOOD NEWS: It was only once (I win!) But upon, having this conversation I was outraged, I was hurt, I was jealous! Then I thought about if The Musician slept with someone else. I felt nothing, I felt like man, maybe I should have this conversation with him so I find out he IS sleeping with someone else and be like good go be her problem.

And this is where I write The Musician out of my blog (get the title now, theatre geeks?).

At the very beginning of all this I told you that Elizabeth Gilbert was going to be my guide through this and really I’ve mentioned Carrie Bradshaw way more. But, this is because Elizabeth Gilbert is way cooler than Carrie Bradshaw and I will ever be. I mean she went on an epic trip to Eat. PRAY and LOVE! I haven’t found too many similarities that I can really incorporate into this blog, until now. For those who haven’t read Ms. Gilbert’s book she goes to India to PRAY. I mean really pray. She’s literally mediating for hours on end every day. And one morning, all she can think about in her mediation is her ex-husband AND her ex-boyfriend (the guy after her husband AKA REBOUND). And she’s embarrassed – I’ll quote her “I mean- here I am in this sacred place of study in the middle of India, and all I can think about is my ex-boyfriend? What am I, in eighth grade?” Not only do I think this exact thought – the eighth grade part, because I have this odd boy crazed part of me, but yesterday in yoga, I went through the same thing. Usually yoga really gets me out of my head and into my body and that’s why I love it. But this yoga session, man all I could think about was The Ex and The Musician. But then, something wonderful happened to me. And Elizabeth Gilbert goes through epiphanies in the book too, and I haven’t gotten that far in it because I started a graduate class, which requires a million of pages of reading per week so I don’t know if she makes an epiphany about her ex and her rebound but…. here is my epiphany:

The Musician is a DOUCHEBAG. I’m not sure if it’s intentional or not but he’s a DOUCHEBAG. Not only because he blatantly ignored my date request or only has really called me once in the month we've been "hanging out" and has left the making plans entirely up to me but I’ve also noticed he’s a shitty friend and is just overall wasted talent and potential. I call him a shitty friend because I met him through my friend Kaitlin, who met him though her best guy friend, Scott. Now Scott is one of the most amazing people you will ever meet. He’s completely and utterly awkward, but he’s genuine, thoughtful and I’ve decided we need to be really good friends as well. Anyway, to be mean to Scott would be like being mean to your Grandpa – inappropriate and really weird. However, The Musician is mean to him, like straight up bully mean. Kaitlin and I had a long talk about this and decided it was because The Musician is totally jealous. Scott’s got his head on straight and is going down a great path to success. The Musician, on the other hand, smart, good-looking, extremely talented musician and composer, has no real path. He’s working part time at Bay Sate College so he can “focus” on his music the other 4 days of the week but he’s not really doing that all. He’s also working on super esoteric work that’s super specific and I'm not sure how he ever really expects to make a career out of that, nor does he. He has no plan and from my observation no work ethic. Therefore, his intelligence, good looks and musical talent are such a waste. WHAT A SHAME. I care, but not too much, because like I said before: He’s a DOUCHEBAG.

The other part of my epiphany is funny and heart wrenching all at the same time. Here goes: I truly and honestly believe that The Ex and I will ultimately end up together. I’m not saying we’ll get married, I mean maybe, but not necessarily. In fact, I could see myself having a really wonderful and happy marriage – children even - with someone else! And we could be happy for many years, but then at some point for better or worse, my husband and I will part ways and I will end up with The Ex. And maybe this is ridiculous and I’ll look back at this at the end of my life and laugh at how silly I was. But, I don’t know, during this crazy yoga session, I started to stress about him and the minor detail that I forgot to mention that he’s probably not going to California anymore. And then I heard myself say, “Katie, relax. Stop trying to control everything and just let go (FIGHT CLUB reference, my psyche is awesome – VIDEO CLIP TIME BELOW) be with him, don’t be with him, it doesn’t matter, in the end, when it's right, you’ll be with him, don't worry." And I’m not going to get into all the details of why I really believe this but I do. And whether it’s true or not, happens or doesn’t, for now it gives me some comfort.

VIDEO CLIP, as promised:

"Just Let Go" from Rock Sexton on Vimeo.

So thank you, Elizabeth Gilbert, for giving me permission to think about boys during yoga!! And another special thanks to you, Musician, for being a character in the blog but your douchery has over stayed it’s welcomed, and it’s time for you to exit stage left in order for someone else to enter stage right…