Sunday, January 16, 2011

Balancing Act

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, step right up! Come and see the amazing balancing act performed by yours truly!

Ok, seriously though? I thought when I broke up with The Ex I'd have all this time for me to just do whatever I wanted. YEAH right. Dating is like a full time job and when you actually have a full time job it becomes extremely hard to balance everything. Hence my lapse in writing a new entry.

Last week, I was in DC for work which was busy and exhausting but I managed to have some fun in there as well. Interestingly, I hung out with my co-workers friend who I had met in New Orleans - remember my Fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!? I thought it would be funny to text him and see if he was around. I was really thinking, "What a good story this will be for the blog!!" Unfortunately, it wasn't a good story at all. He messaged me back saying he might be able to hang out and then ignored my second text when I said I was coming down a day earlier. I only ended up seeing him because I went to dinner with my co-worker and he invited him to meet up with us. It wasn't awkward but the encounter was brief and uneventful - sorry readers, I kind of feel like I let you down.

Don't worry though, the last 10 days have been pretty eventful. And my "balancing act" has become MUCH more difficult these days. Not as difficult as this guy's though - VIDEO CLIP TIME!

Last week, I was juggling two guys - The Actor and New Years Guy. Today, I'm juggling New Years Guy, Medicine Man and. . . The Ex - I KNOW. I know. Anyway, let's recap by the boy shall we?

The Actor
We had that first great date and then I didn't hear from him so I figured he just wasn't that into me or had met someone else or he just plain forgot about me but I wasn't real upset or anything by it. Then 5 days after our first date, I get a message on OkCupid:

Sorry you haven't heard from me until now. As I said at the end of our date the other night, I had fun getting to know you a bit. I'm writing because, in spite of what I said about giving you a call to meet again sometime, I've realized I'm not really ready to be dating again, as I thought I was. I got hurt pretty badly in my last relationship and am just not available to moving on quite yet. Sorry to have left you hanging a bit and I hope you understand. I know how it can suck to not hear from someone who says they are gonna call and then disappear from the face of the earth, so I wanted to touch base to let you know what was going on. Best of luck,

What I wanted to write back but didn't:

1. If you weren't ready to move on, why did you go on an ONLINE DATING website?
2. Why are you telling me the details about why you aren't ready to move on? You sound pathetic.
3. I didn't think you disappeared from the earth and it didn't really suck that bad, please get over yourself.
4. BEST OF LUCK?! What did I apply for a job?
5. This message was over-dramatic and unnecessary, I knew there were no NORMAL actors.

I didn't even care that he didn't call but for some reason this message made me very angry.

New Years Guy
We had our first official date last Friday and to be honest I was such a hot mess. I got in a fight with my brother on the the phone which then had me upset and running late - 35 minutes late to be exact. I came running into the restaurant feeling terrible and then tried really hard not to talk to him about the fight but then I did. So, I verbally vomited all over him. The funny thing is? He was SUPER cool and chill about it. To be honest, as I was running to the date I realized I had no recollection of what he was like. I mean I remembered we talked for a really long time on New Years and obviously I liked him enough to bring him home but... I couldn't remember if he was funny or serious or a geek or all of the above! Turns out he was not only chill (or maybe he had to be because I was playing the hot mess role) but he was funny and talked a lot. And I found myself really having a great time. We had dinner and then got a couple of drinks and then he tried to make out with me in a bar. I wasn't ready for that kind of PDA so I thought it was wise to bring it home. And another sleepover ensued. The next morning? I pretty much had to kick him out this time, I waited until about 11am though. :)

And then an entire week went by and I didn't hear from him. I was all ready for another "best of luck" letter or text and was really pretty bummed. Luckily, my best friend Andrea was in town this weekend and encouraged me to text him. And we texted back and forth a bit and ended our convo on him saying we should hang out next week sometime. So, hopefully we really do hang out, I would really like to see him again.

Medicine Man
I think of all the guys I'm juggling right now, he's my favorite. Mostly because he's RIDICULOUS. I knew from our messages this would be the case. Here's how my nickname for him came about: Basically, he was working a full time job in Chicago and decided to get acupuncture one day at lunch. He realized in this moment of getting acupuncture he needed to be doing this with his life. So he quit his job, studied traditional Chinese medicine and is now an Acupuncturist and Herbalist in Boston AKA Medicine Man! This story alone, showcases his part ridiculous, part kind of awesome personality.

So, we had plans to meet up after the weekend but we were texting a lot throughout the week and I asked if he had any suggestions on what I should do with my friend when she was in town.  And he suggested we go have drinks in Harvard Square - me, him, Andrea and his brother. He was even nice enough to give us his brother's okcupid username so we could look him up. Andrea, my longtime partner in crime was down, only after checking out the photos of both.

Medicine Man was kind of crazy. I wondered if he was nervous or drunk or just forgot to take his Ritalin. Although he was really funny and his brother - OMG. To be honest,  I was kind of sad at first his brother hadn't messaged me first.  They were both cute but his brother was a little more chill. They were both actually hilarious and I had a really good time hanging out with them. I almost want to tell Medicine Man we have to go through a friend stage so in case things don't work out we can at least be friends. They were really that fun.

After our night out, I tried to figure out how I could pursue the brother and quickly realized that no way was that morally okay or would ever work out in my favor. And then Medicine Man kept texting me and through each text I find him more endearing by the second. i.e he's telling me about the amazon right now. Sigh..... Therefore, I'll stick with Medicine Man and hopefully I'll just get the bonus of getting to see his hot brother every now and then!

And what we've all been waiting for... drum role PLEASE (VCT2!):

The Ex
I'll break it down for you real simply here: I'm. An. Idiot. (Should I rename this blog?)

The Ex is moving to Florida - for real this time. And we decided to get dinner to make sure I'd see him before he left because he'll be busy preparing for his move and well, if you don't know why I'll be busy you just skipped to the end to get to the juicy stuff!

So, dinner happened and then drinks happened. And then all of a sudden I'm drunk and the next thing I know I'm crying and then hooking up with him in his car. Oh, brother. And then he picked me up from the airport when I got back from DC and we hung out again. He slept over and said something that basically felt like a dagger twisting in my confused and broken heart: "I miss you. It just feels like I lost my best friend." Who is this guy? And why couldn't he be the guy I was dating for 2.5 years. I guess if he was that guy then, I wouldn't be in this situation right now. The inner teen in me says: "WHATEVER."

And now, not only am I balancing three different guys but I'm balancing all these emotions, not to mention all this BAGGAGE, because of The Ex. But at the end of the day, The Ex is moving so I'm not really sure why I'm wasting any time and energy on dealing with those emotions, baggage or him.

I just can't help myself. Like I said, I'm. An. Idiot.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog still cracks me up. I'm definitely a fan. For the record, I'm definitely a character/crazy but when we all met up at Charlies I was utterly shit faced. Classy. Real classy. Fun though! Spicy Ginger Colombian... how can that not be a good time. Hope you are well! ;)
