Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!

Remember when you were younger and you went on summer vacations or maybe even summer camp? And in that trip you'd have a fun vacation romance? You'd spend day in and day out with someone who was so wonderful but only because you both subconsciously knew it had an expiration date? For those who don't know what I'm talking about: VIDEO CLIP TIME:

Aahhh sweet young, vacation love. Well, believe it or not, I resorted back to those good ole days when I was in New Orleans! I was down there on business but was able to add a bit of pleasure (in more ways than one: wink, wink) and stay throughout the weekend.

My co-worker's friend works for the Department of Energy and this is how we got the Secretary of Energy at our work event down in New Orleans. On site, the co-worker's friend made sure I did my job well (i.e get the Secretary in a t-shirt showcasing our organization's brand) and I made sure he did his job well (i.e make sure the event ran smoothly so the Secretary was happy). It was a purely professional work relationship Thursday morning but we found ourselves making out on a New Orleans street at 4am on Saturday morning.

I could go into the long details of this short fling but I'll break it down:

2:00pm Got an email thanking me for my help on the event and let me know he was around for the next day so if I wanted to get a drink to let him know.

11:00pm He and 2 friends met up with me and 2 friends for some beers.

12:30am We make plans to get lunch at Commanders Palace and drink 25 cent martinis.

1:45pm 25 cent martinis and delicious, delicious lunch (I didn't realize we were on on a date until he paid).

5:00pm After a long lunch and a surprisingly great time we meet up with my friend Mary for drinks at The Columns .

6:30pm We part ways but make plans to meet up later.

1:15am  He meets up with us at a bar which looks like someone's basement but mostly just exists for lots and lots of dancing.

2:15am After a few drinks, we both relax and the dancing begins.

4:00am He finally gets me to make out with him on some random New Orleans street. He asks if I thought it was a bad idea and I reply: "It's not a bad or good idea, it's not an idea at all." Because it wasn't it was a:

Fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!

Then it was back to Boston, back to reality, back to the balancing act of boy drama......

The Musician seems to be stepping up his game as he texted me while I was away and took me on my first date last night!! He did end up leaving the planing up to me but hey, baby steps, baby steps.

I've decided to end things with The Animator. Unfortunately, I think I've done it the real passive aggressive, immature way by just not calling him..... I feel bad. He's so nice and I want to be into him but like Kaitlin said: "It's like being a little bit pregnant. You either are, or you're not."

Hot Jersey Guy is coming this weekend and I was really excited and I am still but there's a catch. Hot Jersey Guy happens to be friends with two people that The Ex and I are friends with. Soooo since The Ex is in Boston, the friends obviously want to hang out with both of us.  And I am dumb and about a month ago I said a stupid comment that went something like: "So BK is going to make a trip to Boston soon but we'll have to share his time because he has a hot friend." I know really, really dumb of me. It was one of those moments when I said it and immediately regretted it. I saw the words in my head and all of sudden they were being spoken and all I wanted to do was swallow them up. Anyway, I thought he'd forget about it because when does The Ex ever remember what I say?? Well, I guess he has a selective memory because that dumb sentence landed me in a whole mess of drama and The Ex flipping out on me. That being said, this weekend should be REAL interesting. And I was hoping to give Hot Jersey Guy a  fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!  - there goes that plan. Well, I'll just have to think of Plan B: How to still have fun with Hot Jersey Guy without getting into a drama-friendly Jersey Shore Episode. Wish me luck!!

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