Sunday, December 5, 2010

Point. Click. Click. Click. Click......

I am sad to say that I haven't gone on a date with someone from OKCupid since November 8th -almost a month ago! Mostly I have been looking around on OKCupid, pointing, clicking and have been super unimpressed with the selection. To be fair, I haven't had much time to date because my November I was busy with The Musician, The Ex and Hot Jersey Guy.

To recap on those situations:
The Ex: It's too complicated, too personal and I just can't pull enough witty sentences together to tell you where everything landed after his drunken meltdown while Hot Jersey Guy was here. Just rest assured that it's quite messy and I don't know how to clean things up and if it's even worth trying. If you are confused by this, rest assured, you're not alone.

Hot Jersey Guy: Still hot. Still in Jersey.

The Musician: Well, if you remember, about a month ago I put The Musician on douchebag probation. And after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that he's not a douchebag but he is just an ass. And so am I....

Although deep down I knew he was most likely not going to really try to pursue dating me or even communicate with me, I was actually stepping out of my skeptic shoes for a bit and was hopeful. And for about a two weeks I actually had reason to keep hope. We hung out before I left for New Orleans, he sent me a text while I was away that read: "Wish you were here tonight. Have fun in N.O" And yes, I found it creepy but I also saw the effort in that text and saw that to most it would be sweet. When I got back, we went on our first date ever and had fun, or at least I thought we did. We emailed back and forth for the next week. We texted over Thanksgiving. And then, nothing. Nothing. Just like that. And I really wish I could say I don't care but I do. And like last time, I really think it's mainly for pride reasons. I mean yeah, he's smart and attractive, blah, blah, blah but really why doesn't he think I'm super awesome? And why isn't he trying to date me?! What's worse is Kaitlin once told me I was totally out of his league. And I kind of think she's right because after further examination on The Musician's douche factor, I think he's really just a weird and a tad socially inept guy. And both of these personality traits are slightly charming and also maddening all at the same time. And therefore, he's an ass. And this hurts my pride big time that I can't even date an ass who is in a league below me! And now I find myself pointing and clicking on his facebook page because I am also an ass! And so is Mark Zuckerberg for creating facebook. DAMN YOU MARK ZUCKERBERG!!!!!!!!!!

Am I losing my touch? I've even been getting less OKCupid messages!

I don't think I'm losing my touch but I do think I'm a bit burnt out. The last four month have been filled with a lot of dating, a lot of guys and WAY too much drama. This on top of work being busy and being enrolled in a graduate class, it's been too much. I've been overeating, under-sleeping and well: I NEED A BREAK! So, dearest blog readers, I have decided to take a leave of absence from my dating adventures, finish up my grad class and do some soul searching. And without further ado VIDEO CLIP TIME: Ladies and Gentleman, give it up for Glenn Frey and the video styling of "Morty298":

Don't think I'm going to stop blogging though! First of all, I'm sure my "soul searching" will last less than two weeks because that's when my class is over and most likely when boredom will strike. Also, there's a few fun stories that have happened in the last four months that I have not shared with you. And please, you know you all come for the video clips anyway and there will be plenty of  those to go around! To prove this, to get in the mood for the holiday season AND because it never gets old VIDEO CLIP TIME UNA VEZ MáS:

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