Sunday, December 26, 2010

All I want for Christmas is.....

Mostly, all I want for Christmas is this damn snow to stop falling and ruining my plans to host a party this evening. But, I guess that isn't what this post is really about.

So, via twitter (@PointClickDate follow me!) I have started to see there is a whole community of us single people writing about the trials, tribulations and hilarity that happens in dating life. In learning how to tweet and follow people, I started actually reading a lot of these great blogs. And then I stumbled upon and I read this post: Wanna find love? Let go of the banana.

Are you keeping a few friends or acquaintances on your radar as potential hookups or relationship material?

Is your ex on your backup list?

These first two questions that open up Jeffrey Platts' blog entry made my stomach sink and I felt like a total idiot. I'm keeping both The Musician and The Ex around mostly for comfort. And yes, there is the argument that I am  not looking for love right now! I'm not looking to be in my next serious relationship. But let's be honest folks, eventually I will be and the longer I randomly text and hang out with The Musician and the longer I keep The Ex in the picture, the longer I'll be on the non-dating scene. And I'm starting to wonder what is out there. Maybe the reason I don't want a relationship is because I'm hanging around with guys who I don't want to have a relationship with.

So I  guess, all I want for Christmas to go back to single life and date new people. Unfortunately, I think this is easier said than done.

First matter of business, probably deleting The Musician's phone number out of my cell phone because I'm known to drunk-text him. Really, I just need to stop the random hookups with him because 1. they're not even that great, to be honest they're kind of boring 2. I'm the one who seeks out these random hook ups and remember what Kaitlin said months ago? I'm a league above The Musician and whether I really believe that or not I'm going to pretend that it's true in which case I should not be seeking him out, he should be seeking me out. It's embarrassing and I need to stop.

Not calling or texting The Musician easy, DONE and DONE. What's not so easy is having the conversation with The Ex to let him know we also need to be done. What makes it a little easier is I know he knows it's coming. We've hung out a bunch but I have been distant. He's even slept over and we have barely kissed or even cuddled. It's so hard because I do love him and I want us to work out because I know how good we were and how good we can be. Unfortunately, our last break up broke my heart no matter how much I tell myself it didn't. I'm not mad or angry but I can't pretend it didn't happen. And I think the only way I can really get over everything is to be away from him. Since we broke up, The Ex has never really been that far away. I think the most we went without talking was a week. I think I need some serious space, which I don't really know if I'm capable of doing but I have to try. Like Jeffrey Platts said, I need to let go of the banana! It's not going to be easy but it has to be done.

Well, my last few blog entries have been kind of somber, and I apologize. My dating life and my humor have been pretty non-existent making this blog really irrelevant. It looks though, dear readers, that with the New Year there will be new adventures and I'm sure there will have to be some funny things that happen! So, stay tuned!!!! And of course, I already have some people in mind to have new adventures with! The Nonprofiteer, The Actor, The Sailor and The Firefighter are all possible characters in the upcoming year!

And of course it wouldn't be Christmas without VIDEO CLIP TIME!! (Who doesn't like this Christmas song?? And also this is my favorite rendition of this song. This video was done in 2008 by A.R.T. Front of House staff A.K.A some of my favorite people in the world!!):

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