Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Friday night was finally here! Work has been insane so the weekend was much needed and a party to go to on Friday night made things even better! I left my apartment to meet Kaitlin and Scott at the party, hoping I wouldn't be first. Surprise! I was the first. And when I got inside Surprise! My yoga teacher was there and actually happened to be my friend Jake's (who's party it was and also happened to be my Senior Prom date and sometimes when, or every time I see him I remind him of this) roommate. And then because all good things, like surprises, come in the three... the following situation happened:

Finally, Kaitlin arrives with a bottle of wine to share! Hooray! Followed by Scott! Hooray! Followed by...... The Musician Hoor- wait? Apparently it didn't occur to Scott to let Kaitlin know, who could then let me know, that The Musician was coming. So, I had a quick "how do I run out of the room without him seeing me" moment and then calmed down and realized I had a voice and could say "Hi, how are you?" And then when I got an awkward reaction to this, I said, "Kaitlin! Let's go open that bottle of wine!" And then I ran out of the room and pretended he didn't see me.

And I planned on ignoring him because that seemed like the childish thing to do.

My plan was foiled when Kaitlin came back from having a cigarette with The Musician and said, "I need to tell you something."

Apparently, I was the one being awkward (half truth), I was always "angry" when we hung out (lie!), he called me all the time (HUGE FAT LIE). And I'm not sure if it was the stress of the week, the half of bottle of wine I drank or just my general distaste for lies and liars, but I decided that I needed to say something and I was going to do it right then. I stormed into the living room where everyone was playing Rock Band 3, went straight to The Musician and told him we needed to talk. And when he suggested to go in another room, I said no I can say it right here but when the room went quiet and I was clearly making a scene, going somewhere else to talk made sense.

We ended up going outside and I let him know how the month of us hanging out really went down. That he actually never called me, I actually was never mad about it but was just trying to figure out if he liked me or not in which I came to the conclusion that he didn't after he declined my Revolution game invitation and never invited me to do anything ever again (run on sentence!). He admitted he was a bad communicator and that us not talking anymore was probably mostly his fault. He also told me he did like me and gave me excuses as to why he totally dropped the ball. And I wanted to not believe him! And I wanted to call him and his excuses lame! I really did, but then he kept saying sorry and I told  him he didn't need to be sorry. And then he asked if I'd consider going on a date with him now....? If he initiated it... ? And then I gave in. And then we had nothing to say, so he commented on the awkward moment and then I felt there was no better way to solve an awkward moment than to make out. And I was right, it was then no longer awkward.

Flash forward to the next morning and The Musician is dropping me off at my apartment and I think to myself, "And just like that The Musician is back in the picture." Sigh......... If you didn't just think "stupid girl" you will now with.... VIDEO CLIP TIME (I love the 90s):

I immediately felt as if I needed to renounce my harsh words that I wrote about him in an earlier blog entry in which I wrote him out of this entire blog, but I don't want to renounce my renouncement in a later entry, so I will not take back my words yet. The Musician is on douchebag probation because it really could go either way. He could be even more of a douche than I even imagined and then jokes on me OR  maybe all his excuses that he said to me Friday night to explain why he was being such an idiot are REAL excuses, and maybe my initial instincts of him being really cool were right! Skeptical of the latter, of course. Also, he still needs to stop making fun of Scott but this MIGHT just be bad learned behavior coupled by Scott not ever sticking up for himself  - so maybe we can fix this?  Again, I'll have a better sense of this when The Musician is off probation, I'll let you know when that is/if that ever happens.

So, yeah. The Musician is back, The Ex is out and The Animator.... well we went on date number 5 last night. We just got a couple drinks at The Druid in Inman Square and I was bored. I think I'm going to blame this on The Musician. I wasn't bored before he showed up and now I'm all "The Animator is boring." But you know what The Animator does? He calls me, takes me out on dates and pays for things. I'm not sure The Musician really has it in him to do any of these things and then I wonder what the hell is wrong with me?! Why can't I just like the person I'm supposed to or should like? Ughhhhh. Anyway, at the end of the date, I gave The Animator a pity kiss and cursed myself for wanting to call The Musician. So instead I drank a glass of wine and texted him but he didn't respond until this morning and this led to all day texting, which led me to lead him to come up with the idea for us to hang out tonight. And here I am waiting for him to call and thinking it's not going to happen. I'm such a..... see video above.

Well, luckily, I'm going to be dating/boy drama free for the next 5 days because tomorrow I head to NEW ORLEANS!!! I'm going for work and then staying the weekend to spend some quality time with my friend Mary!

But have no fear readers, when I get back I have to figure out how to balance The Musician, The Animator AND.....

.........the Hot Guy from Jersey!!! It's official, he's coming up to Boston. SCORE.

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