Monday, August 30, 2010

The first few hours: Scientists, Artists and Musicans? Oh my...

It was a Thursday night. I had just gotten back from a 4 hour run on the Esplanade. On that post-run high, I was feeling even better about my decision to sign up for OKCupid. I kept reminding myself it wasn't a big deal because it was free and besides I was really doing this so that I could write about it all and be one step closer to the one and only Carrie Bradshaw. I know this is an outdated reference but my heart still lies so close to the Sex & the City show even if they have made a mockery out of it by making ridiculous movies, that I still in some, over crazed fan way, enjoyed. Yes, even the second one... It would be a shame to have a blog about dating and not mention the show really.

I digress. So, signing up for OKCupid. Really easy. I actually was signed up and up for public viewing before I even knew it. And by the time I uploaded one picture, I had 10 messages! Man, even if I didn't want to go on ridiculous dates in 10 minutes I literally had a burst in confidence and maybe my ego was getting a little full of herself. But, hey, can you blame me? Wen you get a bunch of messages after you post a picture of yourself, you know it's not because they really "like what you say" in your profile. Come on...

Anyway, the majority of the messages were from seemingly nice people but let's just say they weren't the best looking. Alright, I'm just going to be mean, most of them were pretty hideous. If I'm going to go on this website and date, I'm not going to do it with ugly people, even if I don't have to pay for the site or for any dates I might go on. I realize this may make me a horrible and shallow person but at least I'm honest.

One of the first to message me, however, was not half bad looking so I thought it had to start somewhere. We messaged back and forth a bit and then he instant messaged me! And we continued to basically have a bunch of small talk, that I guess you would have a on first date but it was all online. He seemed pretty normal and I learned he was going to Northeastern University for something I can't pronounce: bioinformatics. Never heard of it myself but it has to do with science and technology. For our intents and purposes, I'll refer to him as The Scientist.

As I perused the website for matches and answered pretty ridiculous questions in order to get messages, The Scientist and I chatted about all sorts of different things. He seemed pretty nice and when obviously the "there's never a moment too soon to ask an awkward question" personality came out on my end and asked him why he was on the site, I found it pretty ironic. He "just got out of a long relationship and thought it was a better way or at least different than the whole meeting drunk people in bars." Hmm sounded a little familiar.

Then I decided I should message someone, you know, to get the well rounded experience. I couldn't just wait for ALL the messages come to me although I thought about it. And then I found The Artist. His pictures were super cute, adorable even and in his profile he said he could draw giraffes and I just about died. I LOVE giraffes. So, I went out on a limb and sent him a message. And 20 minutes later, he messaged me back! Aww...

And while this was all going on, instant message chatting, messages, more dumb questions answered, getting closer and closer to profile completion, matches kept coming up on my sidebar. I kept looking to see if anyone promising showed up when guess who comes up on my screen? You guessed it again, no other than: THE MUSICIAN.

I really had to hold back and not send him a message that said, "This is kinda like that 'Pina Colada' song except we haven't been married for years or even hung out that much at all, but kinda just like that song, huh?"

And then I laughed for 20 minutes and of course, sent Kaitlin an email to tell her about this hilarious occurrence. I did think it was pretty good that we were a 70% match, 94% friend match and only 7% enemies. Good thing OKCupid did the math for us, that would have been embarrassing to find out we were 50% enemies the old fashioned way. ;)

And to end the night, and this post, The Scientist asked for my number and my first online date ever was going to happen whether or not I was ready! Very interesting introduction into the online dating scene.

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