Sunday, January 15, 2012

Point. Click. Date. Returns!

Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls.... I have decided to revive Point. Click. Date. for one month and one month only!!

Why? Well, there are lots of reasons:

1. I'm unemployed right now which means I'm BORED. My Point. Click. Date. days were definitely entertaining if nothing else.

2. I live in a new city - LA and it's hard to meet people so why not meet potentially fun strangers from the internet? Plus, I'll get to discover more things about LA while meeting said strangers from the internet!

And the third reason is......

3. It's Valentine's Day season... and I swear it started the day after Christmas. And now I can't walk into a grocery store or pharmacy or any place that might sell candy or cards without being reminded that Valentine's Day is right around the corner and I couldn't be more single if I tried. Of course, I'm still skeptical of the whole online dating thing and I'm not expecting to find a boyfriend through the internet. BUT being single and actually going on dates is a lot more fun than being single and staying at home by yourself, overdosing on Netflix. Yeah, don't worry about the fact that in the last 2 weeks I watched every single episode of How I Met Your Mother Seasons 1 - 6... it's totally cool.

I decided this time around I would try a NEW online dating site in addition to the regular OkCupid site. The new site is How About We which I think has a lot of potential but the reason I'm not solely going to use this site is there aren't as many people on it and you can tell everyone is a bit hesitant and not sure if it's legit or not. What I love about the How About We site is it's all about creating dates first and less about the stupid questions. So on your profile it will say "How about we....." and then you fill in the blank. I find it hilarious that most guys are still pretty uncreative and say "get drinks" but at least they are upfront about their non-creativeness. I've been on it for the last couple of days and I've already started chatting up a potential character - I mean date - his name for the blog will be The Australian because well, he's Australian. He went on the site to literally just meet someone to hang out with in LA when he's here visting. It should be a hilarious time if we actually meet.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here. I should update you on where my ating life has gone in the last 10 months.

I left Point. Click. Date. after meeting the most gorgeous guy, The Catch, who seemed to have it all. He was smart, funny, HOT, successful and he even had a chocolate lab. Looking back, I'm pretty sure I'm the one that blew it. I mean I hadn't heard from him in a couple of days but I mean we just started dating AND I had dropped a major bomb - that I was visiting my ex-boyfriend for 10 days. I mean, of course, he was going to keep a little distance between us! I wasn't ready for The Catch and now I will just think longingly of the amazing relationship that could have been. Sigh......

And what did I give that all up for? A pretty horrible 10 days with The Ex. Okay... that's not true it wasn't horrible. We had some fun in there but mostly we fought but with great fighting comes great angry sex.... so I mean at least we had that. After I left, we both knew that we probably shouldn't talk to each other for awhile but that was going to be a bit hard since we were both going to a wedding a week later. We made it through the entire wedding being nice, dancing and having fun but then many glasses of wine and beer later, at the very end of the night a terrible fight broke out. He thought I was hitting on a member of the band and first of all, I wasn't but then I also believed he didn't reserve the right to be jealous anymore. It was a drunk, messy fight and that's when we really agreed space and no communication was absolutely necessary. We went a whole month without talking and then he was up in Boston for a Bachelor party. I didn't plan on seeing him but when he called late at night and said all his friends had left him, I made the stupid mistake of saying he could come over. After feeding me bullshit all night about how he missed me and how he felt like his best friend was gone, I ate it right up and slept with him. And because I really am the worst, I started making plans to visit him in Florida. Am I stupid? Yes, yes I am. There I was again back in this "thing" again with The Ex. I visited him over Memorial Day weekend, we talked all throughout June and  then I headed back down to Florida for July 4th weekend and we took a trip to Key West. But, on July 5th when The Ex dropped me off at the airport, I said goodbye and this  time it was for real. At that point, I knew I was moving across the country which essentially meant starting over and I needed to leave this thing with The Ex where it belonged on the East Coast and in the past. The Ex and I broke up in August of 2010 and somehow managed to draw out an unhealthy relationship for almost an entire year!! And on July 5th...I was over it, I was over us, for good.

And for the rest of the summer, I decided I was over guys/dating in general. On July 5th, I flew to L.A. to go to one of the best events I've ever been a part of and when I got back to Boston on July 11th, I only had a month and a half left in Boston. I wanted to spend that time with all my amazing friends and what kind of stupid idiot would get involved with a guy when she's going to leave soon anyway?

Oh. Wait. That's exactly what I did.

Just two and a half weeks after I said my final goodbye to The Ex, I found myself in bed with a guy I've known for years, he's from my hometown so let's just call him Quincy because that's fun. To accurately tell this story, I need to back up to July 2010 when Kaitlin had a cookout. If you remember, this is when I first met The Musician and thought he was cute. Also in attendance that night was Quincy, who I hadn't seen probably in seven years. I vividly remember thinking, "Damn, Quincy, grew up. Good for him." Because the Quincy I knew was short, skinny, nice but sort of annoying. Well, Quincy aged well and he was no longer short and filled out and I could carry a great conversation - I was impressed. But, if you remember at this cookout I was still dating The Ex and I could not act on my attractions to either Quincy or The Musician. And unfortunately for me, at the next cookout only The Musician was in attendance - we can only just imagine what would have happened if Quincy had been there.....

Anyway, back to July 2011. Kaitlin was going out to McFadden's which may just be Boston's douchiest bar and needed a wing woman because she was trying to sleep with this guy that I'm going to call The Brofather. The Brofather and Kaitlin are no longer sleeping together but are actually super close friends now. I'm calling him The Brofather because all his friends are bros. Okay, so back to the day Kaitlin was trying to get some action from The Brofather -  I had been out all day in the summer heat and pretty much thought I looked like a disaster but I decided to join her anyway. Again, I was so not in the mood for guys so I figured it really didn't matter what I looked like. And I needed to be a good wing woman and talk to The Brofather's friends so Kaitlin could have one on one time with The Brofather. Unfortunately, The Brofather had really disappointing bros out with him that night. One, who was and still is a huge douche and the hardest person in America to have a conversation with and the other who was super sweet but overweight, short and a ginger - and he was sweating profusely. But at least the sweating ginger could keep a conversation so I ended up talking to him for awhile when I realized he thought he was making good ground with me. Oh no! That's when I ran to the bathroom even though I didn't have to go. Fleeing is always a good option right? When I get back who was just entering the bar? Quincy. Again, I'm like damn, Quincy got pretty freaking hot. And I give him a hug and ask him to save me from the sweating ginger.

Quincy and I end up having a great time. Kaitlin leaves with The Brofather and Quincy and I stay a little while to talk more and catch up. Finally, we decide to try to make the last train home and we walk to Park Street. And while walking to the train, he tells me he thinks my dress is really pretty and that's when I lost it. I realize that I just had this amazing time this pretty great guy, I think he's cute and I totally want him to kiss me or ask for my number or something! So, when we're at the train and we have to go our separate ways, I look up at him waiting to do something! But... he just says he had fun, gives me a hug and we go to our separate train platforms. And I think damn, I guess he wasn't into it. Oh well...

But then when I get down to my platform, I hear "Katie! You should call me!" And I said, "I don't have your number" And then I shout out mine. And his train is there but it's waiting because the last trains wait at every stop for a stupid amount of time. And he says something like, "You should be on my train!" And I say, "Yeah? You want company?" And he's totally surprised but he says yes. And I shrug and say okay. And I'm pretty sure he didn't think I would go get on his train but I totally did. And that's how I end up going home with Quincy. And when I woke up the next morning, something weird happened. I was in no rush to leave. He ended up making me breakfast, playing the guitar and then finally driving me home. Two days later, I'm telling him that I could do this for a month and he says okay. And that's how I get myself involved with someone exactly one month before I leave.

And it was SUPPOSED to be just fun and no feelings but of course, that's not what happened at all. I found myself really into him. We went on one of the best dates I have ever gone on in my entire dating career, for goodness sake! And there I am crying because I'm leaving to move across the country and I just met this guy who I have an amazing time with! And it should have just ended there but two weeks after I left for LA I was back in town for work. So, of course, I end up spending all my free time with him. And we have this amazing weekend but we agree long distance is a dumb idea. Although, to be honest, if he had said "Long distance is a really dumb idea but let's be dumb!" I would have said, "Okay!" But, he didn't, so I didn't and that was that. And then I come back over Halloween and I'm not sure what's going to happen this time but again we spend basically the entire weekend together. This time we have an awkward talk and he tells me again that long distance doesn't work. And I get it but I guess it's hard for me to actually have a connection with someone and then call it off just because of distance. There was a part of me that just wanted things to play out because you never know? But when I realized long distance was a deal breaker and nonnegotiable, I told him had been fun but things had to end for good because I deserved to be something more than somebody's fun weekend. Of course they didn't end there, because six and a half weeks later I'm back in town for the holidays. Which if I could take back seeing him over the holidays I would because it was terrible. He was distant, cold and I felt like he was totally just using me to get laid.

On top of that, The Ex was home and completely bailed on our plans to hang out saying, "he was too busy."And when I confronted Quincy about being distant he said it was "Unintentional and he had just been really busy." And I decided I'm so sick of guys telling me they are "too busy." If you want to spend time with someone you make the time. Everyone is busy! And I realized I was making time to hang out with guys who didn't want to make time for me. So, although I really do think The Ex and Quincy are great guys they ended up being assholes to me. And I'm so done with assholes. I haven't talked to Quincy since I dropped him off at his parents' house and he literally said, "I'll talk to you before you leave" (LIE). And I've only talked to The Ex about taking photos and measurements of a painting I made for  him (I applied to art school and I needed it for my portfolio). The Ex has tried to reach out but I'm done. There is no need to talk to Quincy or The Ex for a very long time.

To end on a slightly lighter note, I do want to say a lot of silly & funny things happened in between all that drama - like Medicine Man finding this blog, reading the whole thing and then sending me an awkward email about how things went down. I didn't respond. I then saw him on my last night in Boston when I was outside The Oberon in Harvard Square on my phone. He walked by and said, "I thought you were in L.A!?" And I'm so puzzled by this and I said, "Tomorrow!" And then I realize that Medicine Man totally kept up with my "Life. After Dating" blog. I'm so glad he enjoyed my writing but... kinda weird, right?

Oh boy...

Well, I'm excited about the next month and all the crazy, dating adventures I'm going to get myself into. So... here it goes again..... VIDEO CLIP TIME!!!!!!

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