Friday, January 20, 2012

Getting Ready

Well, tonight is the big night - my first date since I decided to give pointing, clicking and dating a go again. 

I'm not particularly nervous although I do feel like my dating skills are not as sharp as they once were. So, I decided to watch this LONG, LONG video from 1949 to remind myself what I should and should not do on a date (VIDEO CLIP TIME - skip to 10:39, that's when it gets real hilarious):

My takeaways from this video are:
  • Look my best
  • Look in the mirror before I leave
  • Be on time 
  • Make my date feel relaxed 
  • Have a good time 
  • Enjoy what I'm doing 
  • Take my date seriously
  • Don't stay out particularly late
  • At the end of the date, tell him I had "loads of fun".
I think I'm ready! Okay, seriously, did people actually watch these videos and really act like this?

The only real thing I'm worried about is I've been on so many interviews lately, I'm scared I'll start asking him interview questions just to you know, have the upper hand for once this week. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How well do you work on teams? What is a weakness you would like to improve? What is your experience with editing videos?

I'm most looking forward to the Chinese food we'll be eating. I've been craving it for a month now! And we're going to a restaurant down the street from me so here's hoping the food is delicious and then I can become a regular!

Well, check back tomorrow for the report on tonight's date!

Until then, I have a great, quick side story:

In Boston I went on a date with a guy I called Promo Guy (Click here to read about that date). He was super nice but I'm pretty sure he wasn't straight. As I was pointing and clicking the other day guess who I saw!? Promo Guy! He was using the same photo and everything! At first I thought he might be stalking me but then I remembered he used to live out here and I kind of recall him saying something about wanting to move back. I also thought about messaging him because I thought it would be funny but then I remembered I had agreed to go on a second date with him. I then canceled via text, told him I was sick and told him I'd call when I was better. I hope he believes that I just never got better and not that I was a total coward and couldn't just say, "Yeah, sorry, I'm just no that into you." I hope Promo Guy finds the love he is looking for in L.A. Although until he comes out I'm not sure it's going to work out for him.

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