Saturday, November 27, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.......

The title of this entry pretty much sums up last weekend.

Looking back, I should have known better. I was being naive in thinking everything could just run smoothly. But hey, I was a little deceived as the The Ex waved the white flag on Friday night by buying me a burger and a beer and said to my face that he had overreacted and was okay with everything.

Saturday started well. Kaitlin and I got to Harvest Fest (where breweries from all over congregated to serve beer for 3.5 hours) before the huge crew of Jersey boys showed up. Kaitlin and I drank enough for her to be comfortable around 8-10 guys she didn't know and for me to ensure that I wasn't awkward around Hot Jersey Guy considering we only met once and had since only talked over facebook. Overall, Harvest Fest was fun and most importantly, drama free.

Things continued to be drama free as we went back to the apartment of the guy in the Jersey crew that now lives in Boston. We ate pizza, sobered up and then I got a lovely text message that read: "I hope you're having fun now because you won't later." Again, I should have taken this more seriously but showing it to my friend BK, who is also good friends with The Ex, and having him tell me not to worry about it, well, I didn't worry about it.

HUGE MISTAKE. I should have worried a lot about it because at the bar The Ex was very drunk and didn't hold back in making a scene. As The Ex showcased his extreme jealously the following was playing in my head VIDEO CLIP TIME!:

So, yeah that's how infuriating The Ex was being and just how terrible that hour at the bar was. Luckily, I kept my cool and was able to see the funny moments of that hour and I would like to highlight those 2 moments for you now:
  1.  Hot Jersey Guy gets the name of my blog thanks to great friend and reader, Sean. So, if you're reading this Hot Jersey Guy: Sorta awkward but I hope you like the name I've given you and I still think it's very fitting. ;)
  2. Some random guy places himself in the middle of the group I am with to order a beer. And after I catch him staring at me about 30 times in a pretty creepy way, I have to tell someone. So, I tell my friend BK who loves to jump at the opportunity to be tough (so sweet really). And all of a sudden the 2 of them are gone. Upon returning, BK decided its okay to introduce the creepy guy to me. And since I'm a polite girl, I shake his hand and as creepy guy holds my hand for one second too long, he asks "Can I speak to Katie without all these guys around." And without missing a beat Hot Jersey Guy says, "No." Creepy guys says, "Really." Really. And on that note, we leave the bar. In the cab to the next bar I find out that BK promised to introduce creepy guy to me because he bummed a cigarette off him. Wow. Good to know I can be pawned off for cigarettes. Ooooooh my life.
After leaving the bar, the terrible hour and The Ex behind, the night could really only get better. And dear blog readers, it sure did. Knowing that Hot Jersey Guy can and might possibly read this, I have to leave the rest of the night up to your lovely imaginations. But I will say, we decided to leave the bar and everyone else just before midnight, justifying it by all the day drinking we had done and to be perfectly honest, it was the best decision ever. Our night dramatically improved upon leaving everyone behind and heading home to Cambridge.

So, the weekend wasn't drama free as I was hoping but luckily, I found my way around it to have just the fun I was looking for.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!

Remember when you were younger and you went on summer vacations or maybe even summer camp? And in that trip you'd have a fun vacation romance? You'd spend day in and day out with someone who was so wonderful but only because you both subconsciously knew it had an expiration date? For those who don't know what I'm talking about: VIDEO CLIP TIME:

Aahhh sweet young, vacation love. Well, believe it or not, I resorted back to those good ole days when I was in New Orleans! I was down there on business but was able to add a bit of pleasure (in more ways than one: wink, wink) and stay throughout the weekend.

My co-worker's friend works for the Department of Energy and this is how we got the Secretary of Energy at our work event down in New Orleans. On site, the co-worker's friend made sure I did my job well (i.e get the Secretary in a t-shirt showcasing our organization's brand) and I made sure he did his job well (i.e make sure the event ran smoothly so the Secretary was happy). It was a purely professional work relationship Thursday morning but we found ourselves making out on a New Orleans street at 4am on Saturday morning.

I could go into the long details of this short fling but I'll break it down:

2:00pm Got an email thanking me for my help on the event and let me know he was around for the next day so if I wanted to get a drink to let him know.

11:00pm He and 2 friends met up with me and 2 friends for some beers.

12:30am We make plans to get lunch at Commanders Palace and drink 25 cent martinis.

1:45pm 25 cent martinis and delicious, delicious lunch (I didn't realize we were on on a date until he paid).

5:00pm After a long lunch and a surprisingly great time we meet up with my friend Mary for drinks at The Columns .

6:30pm We part ways but make plans to meet up later.

1:15am  He meets up with us at a bar which looks like someone's basement but mostly just exists for lots and lots of dancing.

2:15am After a few drinks, we both relax and the dancing begins.

4:00am He finally gets me to make out with him on some random New Orleans street. He asks if I thought it was a bad idea and I reply: "It's not a bad or good idea, it's not an idea at all." Because it wasn't it was a:

Fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!

Then it was back to Boston, back to reality, back to the balancing act of boy drama......

The Musician seems to be stepping up his game as he texted me while I was away and took me on my first date last night!! He did end up leaving the planing up to me but hey, baby steps, baby steps.

I've decided to end things with The Animator. Unfortunately, I think I've done it the real passive aggressive, immature way by just not calling him..... I feel bad. He's so nice and I want to be into him but like Kaitlin said: "It's like being a little bit pregnant. You either are, or you're not."

Hot Jersey Guy is coming this weekend and I was really excited and I am still but there's a catch. Hot Jersey Guy happens to be friends with two people that The Ex and I are friends with. Soooo since The Ex is in Boston, the friends obviously want to hang out with both of us.  And I am dumb and about a month ago I said a stupid comment that went something like: "So BK is going to make a trip to Boston soon but we'll have to share his time because he has a hot friend." I know really, really dumb of me. It was one of those moments when I said it and immediately regretted it. I saw the words in my head and all of sudden they were being spoken and all I wanted to do was swallow them up. Anyway, I thought he'd forget about it because when does The Ex ever remember what I say?? Well, I guess he has a selective memory because that dumb sentence landed me in a whole mess of drama and The Ex flipping out on me. That being said, this weekend should be REAL interesting. And I was hoping to give Hot Jersey Guy a  fun, less than 48 hour, drama-free, vacation fling!  - there goes that plan. Well, I'll just have to think of Plan B: How to still have fun with Hot Jersey Guy without getting into a drama-friendly Jersey Shore Episode. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Friday night was finally here! Work has been insane so the weekend was much needed and a party to go to on Friday night made things even better! I left my apartment to meet Kaitlin and Scott at the party, hoping I wouldn't be first. Surprise! I was the first. And when I got inside Surprise! My yoga teacher was there and actually happened to be my friend Jake's (who's party it was and also happened to be my Senior Prom date and sometimes when, or every time I see him I remind him of this) roommate. And then because all good things, like surprises, come in the three... the following situation happened:

Finally, Kaitlin arrives with a bottle of wine to share! Hooray! Followed by Scott! Hooray! Followed by...... The Musician Hoor- wait? Apparently it didn't occur to Scott to let Kaitlin know, who could then let me know, that The Musician was coming. So, I had a quick "how do I run out of the room without him seeing me" moment and then calmed down and realized I had a voice and could say "Hi, how are you?" And then when I got an awkward reaction to this, I said, "Kaitlin! Let's go open that bottle of wine!" And then I ran out of the room and pretended he didn't see me.

And I planned on ignoring him because that seemed like the childish thing to do.

My plan was foiled when Kaitlin came back from having a cigarette with The Musician and said, "I need to tell you something."

Apparently, I was the one being awkward (half truth), I was always "angry" when we hung out (lie!), he called me all the time (HUGE FAT LIE). And I'm not sure if it was the stress of the week, the half of bottle of wine I drank or just my general distaste for lies and liars, but I decided that I needed to say something and I was going to do it right then. I stormed into the living room where everyone was playing Rock Band 3, went straight to The Musician and told him we needed to talk. And when he suggested to go in another room, I said no I can say it right here but when the room went quiet and I was clearly making a scene, going somewhere else to talk made sense.

We ended up going outside and I let him know how the month of us hanging out really went down. That he actually never called me, I actually was never mad about it but was just trying to figure out if he liked me or not in which I came to the conclusion that he didn't after he declined my Revolution game invitation and never invited me to do anything ever again (run on sentence!). He admitted he was a bad communicator and that us not talking anymore was probably mostly his fault. He also told me he did like me and gave me excuses as to why he totally dropped the ball. And I wanted to not believe him! And I wanted to call him and his excuses lame! I really did, but then he kept saying sorry and I told  him he didn't need to be sorry. And then he asked if I'd consider going on a date with him now....? If he initiated it... ? And then I gave in. And then we had nothing to say, so he commented on the awkward moment and then I felt there was no better way to solve an awkward moment than to make out. And I was right, it was then no longer awkward.

Flash forward to the next morning and The Musician is dropping me off at my apartment and I think to myself, "And just like that The Musician is back in the picture." Sigh......... If you didn't just think "stupid girl" you will now with.... VIDEO CLIP TIME (I love the 90s):

I immediately felt as if I needed to renounce my harsh words that I wrote about him in an earlier blog entry in which I wrote him out of this entire blog, but I don't want to renounce my renouncement in a later entry, so I will not take back my words yet. The Musician is on douchebag probation because it really could go either way. He could be even more of a douche than I even imagined and then jokes on me OR  maybe all his excuses that he said to me Friday night to explain why he was being such an idiot are REAL excuses, and maybe my initial instincts of him being really cool were right! Skeptical of the latter, of course. Also, he still needs to stop making fun of Scott but this MIGHT just be bad learned behavior coupled by Scott not ever sticking up for himself  - so maybe we can fix this?  Again, I'll have a better sense of this when The Musician is off probation, I'll let you know when that is/if that ever happens.

So, yeah. The Musician is back, The Ex is out and The Animator.... well we went on date number 5 last night. We just got a couple drinks at The Druid in Inman Square and I was bored. I think I'm going to blame this on The Musician. I wasn't bored before he showed up and now I'm all "The Animator is boring." But you know what The Animator does? He calls me, takes me out on dates and pays for things. I'm not sure The Musician really has it in him to do any of these things and then I wonder what the hell is wrong with me?! Why can't I just like the person I'm supposed to or should like? Ughhhhh. Anyway, at the end of the date, I gave The Animator a pity kiss and cursed myself for wanting to call The Musician. So instead I drank a glass of wine and texted him but he didn't respond until this morning and this led to all day texting, which led me to lead him to come up with the idea for us to hang out tonight. And here I am waiting for him to call and thinking it's not going to happen. I'm such a..... see video above.

Well, luckily, I'm going to be dating/boy drama free for the next 5 days because tomorrow I head to NEW ORLEANS!!! I'm going for work and then staying the weekend to spend some quality time with my friend Mary!

But have no fear readers, when I get back I have to figure out how to balance The Musician, The Animator AND.....

.........the Hot Guy from Jersey!!! It's official, he's coming up to Boston. SCORE.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 5 Highlights of the Last 9 Days

Forgive me dearest blog readers, it's been nine days since my last entry....

I 'd like to sum up the last nine days with five simple sentences:

  1. Went on date number 4 with The Animator. 
  2. Screamed at The Ex on the phone, called him a bastard and hung up.
  3. Went to a Halloween party in Brighton as Tinkerbell and was hoping I'd meet a hot Peter Pan.
  4. Found my 14 year old roots and developed a huge crush via facebook messages.
  5. Went on a date with a new OKCupid guy: The Hipster. 
So, let's start at the beginning shall we?

1.  Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
For date number four, The Animator and I went to see The Social Network. I found it ironic that one, The Animator doesn't know my last name and can't find me on Facebook; and two, I used facebook to stalk him and found out his last name. Ohhhhh facebook - Thanks, Mark Zuckerberg! I liked the movie but movie dates are weird because you can't interact. And really that's all we did. He picked me up, we went to the movies, he drove me home and another awkward-outside-my-apartment-in-a-car-moment happened and that was that. I thought for SURE this time he wasn't going to call me. Like clockwork, however, after I got out of class on Tuesday night I got a text asking if I'd like to hang out again. So, I'm doing something right. Or maybe he's just really bored. Either way, I'll take it!

2.  Friday, October 28th, 2010
I was supposed to go to a party on Friday but it got canceled the day before. I didn't make new plans so I figured, I'll just hang out with The Ex. For the last few weeks he was kind of an on-call boyfriend. When I needed to have that comfort in my bed, I called him and he was there. When I had dates or other exciting plans, he was free for the evening. It worked out really well, for me at least.

Obviously this wasn't going to last forever but I thought I had a good month left. And then Friday, I called him and when he didn't come over I was angry. More angry because he said he would and then stood me up. And when I called to say "WTF?" He said it would be another 20 minutes. And when he stood me up for the 2nd time that night, I went to bed feeling like a fool. So when I got woken up by his phone call, I wasn't exactly "Little Miss Sunshine". In fact, I was "Lil Mizz Fuck Off". I told him we shouldn't talk anymore and when he put up no fight and simply just agreed, I flew off the handle, called him a bastard and hung up. And that was 6 days ago, we haven't spoken since.

I realize that this was all really dramatic of me and stems from a place of me not getting what I want. I see that. I'm not going to pretend I'm in the "right" here. However, I'm also not going to apologize or be the first one to reach out. If he cares about me at all, he'll figure out a way to talk to me. If not, well we all know that The Ex is an unhealthy habit, we've known it for weeks.

3.  Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Halloween Eve and a party in Brighton. I went with my friend Kaitlin to a Disney-Themed Halloween party and she wrote about the evening so beautifully in her own blog, that I'd be embarrassed to even try and do it better. Therefore,  click here to read about the wonderfully horrifying Halloween we had.

The only thing I will add is that I really thought that there might be some hot or remotely attractive guy dressed up as Peter Pan or Captain Hook, but to be honest I would have done much better if I was looking for a Wendy. It was definitely a female friendly party.

4.   October 11th - November 3rd, 2010
Now, I put this date range because this is how long I've been talking back and forth over FACEBOOK messages with the hot guy from New Jersey (If you just said who? Please refer to: Concrete Jungle). Anyway, yeah we've kept up through the amazing tool called facebook (even though I think you're even more of a douche after seeing The Social Network, thanks again Mark Zuckerberg!) And the 14 year old in me that used to develop crushes over AIM, effortlessly came back And it's ridiculous and hilarious all at the same time. But I have every intention of prolonging this crush until November 21st because he's supposedly making a Boston trip that weekend. If he doesn't come up, the 14 year old in me gets the boot and I get a crush that's more practical. Until then it's straight crushing... unless, of course, I meet someone crush worthy at the party that was canceled last week and rescheduled for tomorrow.

 5.  Wednesday November 3rd, 2010
Another guy, another date. This time I was actually kind of excited. He was really interesting through messages, he liked traveling, he had been to Japan, I was actually kind of impressed by his profile, his pictures were promising, etc. etc. etc. We met at my choice, Lord Hobo near Kendall Square.  And the second I walked in and saw him, I immediately was counting down the minutes until the end of the date. He wasn't ugly, although he definitely wasn't as cute as his photos, but he was The Hipster. Seriously, he was the poster child for Hipsters. And I just wasn't in the mood for his skinny jeans that were skinnier than mine, his plaid or his awkward attitude. He got really offended when I said downtown London looked like Epcot Center London. He said it wasn't London's fault that Disney world copied it, sorry I insulted the Hipster Mecca.

What this date did provide was some inspiration. It inspired me to look for hipster video clips and I am really impressed with VIDEO CLIP TIME this week! It's an Australian Honda commercial and it's quite amazing, enjoy: