Monday, March 7, 2011

All good things must come to an end

To my true and blue blog readers from literally all over the world and to the 5'5" creepy guys on OkCupid:

I regret to inform you that I have deactivated my OkCupid account. Yes, that means there will be no more Pointing. (well, I'm sure I'll point at something) Clicking (again, clicking probably will still happen but not at cute strangers but more at my desktop icons) but most importantly no more DATING.

It's been a wild ride. I've met some really interesting characters some tall (The Animator, The Catch), some not tall enough (The Renaissance Man), some a bit creepy/psychotic (The Scientist/The Stalker),  a few too feminine (The Artist, Sideways), some definitely not straight (The Promo Guy) and some just absolutely perfect but just too far away (sigh... Hot Jersey Guy... sigh -also please note I didn't actually meet him online). It had it's laughs, it's up and down but this ride is making me nauseous and I want off.

Love always,

Your eternal (and now rightfully so) skeptic.


Okay I hope we all had a good cry. And now that it's all out, I'll explain why.

The Catch, was surprise, SURPRISE, not a catch at all. In fact, I'm pissed off that I even named him The Catch because to be honest there wasn't even a catch like he was great but he had erectile dysfunction or he's perfect but he has this really awkward taxidermy hobby. Nope, he was actually just like all the other assholes I met on OkCupid and off of the site as well. Just when I convinced myself I could actually like the guy he goes MIA without even so much as a lie like, "I'm moving to China, it's been nice knowing you!" Seriously, like what the fuck? I'm beginning to think I really might be an idiot. Let's see this happened with The Musician, New Years Guy, Medicine Man and now The Catch? I mean three of four were in the last two months. Yup. Done. Sorry.

Especially since The Catch actually said, "I would never just disappear" or something equal to that. Like he'd be all big and man enough to tell me he just wasn't interested anymore if that might be the case. Well, that was proven wrong before I even really had time to digest his words fully. You know what the catch was? Me catching the load of bullshit he threw in my direction. Do I sound angry and bitter?

Well, I should because I am.

And here I thought everything was going to end magically. I mean it did for fucking Elizabeth Gilbert and her stupid book Eat. Pray. Love. Well, here's my book review Lizzie: After you ate, gained weight and were hysterical in your own self pity your book (not to even mention the film) got so boring it actually almost took me 6 months to read (and I fell asleep the second Julia Roberts got to India).

Okay, I'm sorry Elizabeth. I'm really happy you found love at the end of your book but that was just too perfect and I'm not sure how it even came true for you and well, congratulations you got a second book out of it.

Unfortunately, this is not how Point. Click. Date ends. This skeptic will keep on thinking that online dating is a sham and that only if I actually treated it like a full time job would it actually result in something. And even then can you call something you put that much effort in love?! And really, if I did put that much effort in just think of all the other cool things I'd be missing out on.

And that got me thinking. For the last six months, I've been focusing all my attention on my dating/love life. All of it. I tried taking a graduate class to distract me but it didn't really work. I just ended up promoting my blog to my classmates and feeling the need to drink more to cope with the added stress and then I drunk-texted people that I shouldn't have.

I need to be stopped. I have been all consumed by dating and all it's given me is a bunch of drama. And I don't want to be the girl with the drama. Not cool. Once upon a time, I made art and participated in theater - not sure when the last time that happened. I had dreams and hopes other than maybe this fling will turn into something more meaningful.

With all the free time I have who knows what fun things I will discover!

And guess what? This girl is going to BLOG about it.

I'm going to blog about me proactively not dating. No, I'm actually going to avoid it. Like the plague. And I can't think of a better time to start this then right around lent which starts Wednesday! I'm not religious but I was raised Catholic so I'm sure someone is really smiling down on me for actually participating in lent this year. Or maybe their frowning as I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it correctly. Whatever, the point is for AT LEAST the next 40 days I'm going to proactively not date and let's be real this may go on for another 40 after that and another 40 after that...

Also, I know what you must be thinking but "Um... what about your 10 day trip to Florida with The Ex???" Well,  I'm not sure what the hell I'd call that but it's definitely not dating. Although, now that I'm not dating at all, sex could enter back into the equation for my 10 day vacation in Florida. And I'm pretty sure I'm okay with that. Because really, I'm not sure how I can not date and have sex. And to go too long without sex is no good for business. I'll be cranky and write cranky blog posts and no one wants to read that. So, maybe I can somehow figure out how to not date and get laid anyway without becoming a trashy whore. Now THAT sounds like a blog.

There's one more thing, dear readers, before I leave you with my link for my new adventure in life after dating. There's something I should tell you. It may come to you as a surprise. But as all good things must come to an end, all great things must come full circle.

The Musician is back in the picture.

Obviously we aren't dating because that wouldn't make any sense. But for some reason the kid has stuck in my mind all these months. I'm not in love with him if that's what you're thinking. No, the real reason is because once upon a time, I really couldn't wait to get to know him. And then, well instead of getting to know him, I got him naked. And really, the only wonderful amazing conversations I remember having with him were before I saw him naked.  Not that we didn't have fun while naked... I digress. What I'm saying is I saw real potential in him as just a person I would like. And although I said some pretty harsh things about the guy, I rushed into making it something before I even got to know him. Being his friend first would have made a lot more sense, looking back. And hey, since I'm not in the market for dates but I am in the market for friends, I emailed him and proposed a friendship. And he accepted (like facebook but sweeter aww). And do I still think he is a little socially retarded? Yes. Do I still probably disapprove of the way he treats women? Yes. But, I'm his friend now. And I will just shake my head at him when he does dumb things and think, "Oooh silly musician and I actually wanted to date you once, back when I dated...."

It's going to be great. I'm excited for not dating.

So please on Wednesday, March 9th, 2011. Please join me on:

Life. After Dating (Not that I don't love blogspot but I just don't get tumblr so I figured I'd give a whirl!)